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In a few moments the door opened noisily and Gottlieb entered with much bustle, accompanied by a clerk carrying books and papers and by a perfectly strange man, arrayed in very new clothes, who seemed much embarrassed and doubtful as to what he should do. "Good afternoon, gentlemen!" exclaimed Gottlieb breezily. "I regret to have kept you waiting, but I was unavoidably detained.

"By George! You've got pep, if ever a girl had I'll wager you pulled your friend out of the parlor-car and held her up! Some horripilation, eh?" breezily. "Now now what have you and I ever done that the Fates should wish this on to us that's what I'd like to know?"

Miss Georgie gave her hair a hasty pat or two, pushed a novel out of sight under a Boise newspaper, and turned toward him with a breezily careless smile when he stepped up to the open door and stopped as if he were not quite certain of his own mind, or of his welcome. He was secretly thinking of Peppajee's information that Miss Georgie thought he was "bueno," and he was wondering if it were true.

The end wall is a silvery screen nearly as large as a pair of folding doors. The door is on your left as you face the screen; and there is a row of thick pegs, padded and covered with velvet, beside it. A stoutish middle-aged man, good-looking and breezily genial, dressed in a silk smock, stockings, handsomely ornamented sandals, and a gold fillet round his brows, comes in.

The crackle of a foot on a dead willow-twig roused her, and her eyes met St. Vincent's. "You have not congratulated me upon my escape," he began, breezily. "But you must have been dead-tired last night. I know I was. And you had that hard pull on the river besides." He watched her furtively, trying to catch some cue as to her attitude and mood.

"Not if you don't," said Boots blandly. He could not endure Rosamund and she detested him; and Nina, who was perfectly aware of this, had just enough of perversity in her to enjoy their meeting. Rosamund came in breezily, sables powdered with tiny flecks of snow, cheeks like damask roses, eyes of turquoise. "How d'ye do!" she nodded, greeting Boots askance as she closed with Nina.

Rockefeller, decided upon Mr. Astor, and gave a number to a priceless Central who was promptness itself, who never rang the wrong bell, or reported a busy wire, or cut him off in the midst of an engrossing conversation. This morning, as usual, he got his number at once. "Good-mornin', Mister Astor!" he hailed breezily. "This is Johnnie Smith. 'Oh, good-mornin', Mister Smith! How are y'? I'm fine!

'No; they are young, they are shrewd, and they are English. So you see your work is cut out for you. Their names are George Wentworth and John Kenyon. 'Oh, Wentworth is my man, said the young woman breezily. 'John Kenyon! I know just what sort of a person he is sombre and taciturn. Sounds too much like John Bunyan, or John Milton, or names of that sort.

I am afraid that indirectly we have been the cause of a great scandal." "Oh, don't worry yourself about that," Lord Merton, said breezily. "There have been far worse scandals than this in great houses before now; and, at any rate, it does not touch us. I am afraid you have been rather inconvenienced here, and that the Grange has not upheld its reputation for hospitality.

He talked about the future of British Dyes now that Germany was out of the race, and . . . well, the long and short of it was that I took his advice and bought on margin. Bought like the devil. And this morning Amalgamated Dyestuffs went all to blazes. There you have the whole story!" "And now," said Jill, "comes the sequel!" "The sequel?" said Uncle Chris breezily. "Happiness, my dear, happiness!