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Offers of assistance in nursing were numerous, but I only encouraged those of the bookmaker, strange as this may seem; yet he was as gentle and considerate as a woman in the sick-room. This was on the first evening of his attack. After that I had reasons for dispensing with his generous services.

Look round over the ranks of the hurtful creatures who spoil the State, corrupt and sap the better nature of young men, and disgrace the name of our race. What are they all but idlers pure and simple? Idleness, idleness, the tap-root of misery, sin, villainy! The roaring bookmaker who contaminates the air with his cries, and who grows wealthy on the spoil of fools he is an idler.

"That is just it, Jack the bookmaker wouldn't take a bet from me." "Why ever not?" said Jack, mystified. "Because I'm a minor I'm under age." "Then how do you manage?" said Jack. "Why, I bet through another man." "I see," said Jack, for this was but another edition of his own little adventures. "And that man " "Is Raffles," said Acton, quietly.

But, at that date, playwrights could not well be called "bookmakers," for the owners of the plays did their best to keep them from appearing as printed books. If Bacon by "bookmaker" meant "playwright," he put a modest value on his poetical work!

"The bettor of whom the pool-room bookmaker stands in dread" this flower of speech is culled from the 'New York World' "is the race-horse owner, who has a cinch bottled up for a particular race, and drops into the room an hour or two before the race begins."

At present I am content with observing that the quiet, respectable bookmaker is as honourable and trustworthy as any trafficker in stocks and shares, and his business is almost identical with that of the stockjobber in many respects.

When this man retired to a compartment with his deed-box, he never even opened it. Possibly it contains a brick and a newspaper. He is only watching." "Watching the bookmaker." "True, but it may go far wider than that. Everything points to a plot of careful elaboration. Still, if you are satisfied " "I am quite satisfied," replied Mr. Carlyle gallantly.

I should like you to come and dine with me tonight, and I'll take you round anywhere you care to go; and then if you don't want to go back to your old tradespeople, I could take you to my tailor and bookmaker." "Is that all?" Wingrave asked calmly. Rocke was again taken aback. "Certainly not," he answered.

His other accomplishments are pallid in the light of his brilliant left hand. Once, at Derry he attended a cock-fight, and beguiled an interval by emptying the pockets of a lucky bookmaker. An expert, who watched the exploit in admiration, could not withhold a compliment.

I stood for half an hour watching this scene, then I went below to Roscoe's cabin and relieved the bookmaker. The sick man was sleeping from the effects of a sedative draught. The bookmaker had scarcely gone when I heard a step behind me, and I turned and saw Justine Caron standing timidly at the door, her eyes upon the sleeper. She spoke quietly. "Is he very ill?"