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It's everybody that knows her. We can't, in justice to her, let such a thing get into print." Weedon was much impressed, by her beauty, her accessibility and his own incredible position of having something to accord. But he had a system of mental bookkeeping. There were persons who asked favours of him, whom he put down as debtors. "Make 'em pay," was his mentally jotted note.

There is as little lost motion in this plant as in any in the country, and if we start in saddling these men with a lot of red tape which will necessitate their filling out innumerable forms for every job, about half their time will be spent in bookkeeping, which can just as well be done here in the office as it is now.

Roger Morton recommends you a relation unfortunate circumstances well educated hum! Well, young man, what have you to say for yourself?" "Sir?" "Can you cast accounts? know bookkeeping?" "I know something of algebra, sir." "Algebra! oh, what else?" "French and Latin." "Hum! may be useful. Why do you wear your hair so long? look at mine. What's your name?" "Philip Morton." "Mr.

A little longer and her heart would have been permanently affected. Meantime, before this, while she lay unconscious, the bills had begun to pour in. Along with the domestic science, Elsie had taken up bookkeeping at the high school, and fortified by that knowledge and the possession of the five hundred dollars, she summoned her courage, went to Mr.

He relinquished it to me with a mother's yearning. And all too legible in the polished butt of the thing were notches! Nine sinister notches I counted not fresh notches, but emphatic, eloquent, chilling. I thrust the bloody record back on its gladdened owner. "Never think it to look at me?" said he as our eyes hung above that grim bit of bookkeeping. "Never!" I warmly admitted.

Then at last a disaster befell him; his house burned while he was away; and from the confusion that resulted the disadvantages of bookkeeping in cereals was so forcibly borne in upon him that he suddenly resolved to learn to read, write and reckon.

"You mean, give them everything we've been giving them now, and then pay them money?" Ranal Valdry almost howled. "Oh, no. You pay them a fixed wage. You charge them for everything you give them, and deduct that from their wages. It will mean considerable extra bookkeeping, but outside of that I believe you'll find that things will go along much as they always did."

Madame Sviazhskaya had just told him at tea that they had that summer invited a German expert in bookkeeping from Moscow, who for a consideration of five hundred roubles had investigated the management of their property, and found that it was costing them a loss of three thousand odd roubles.

The use of language and dialects, other than Russian, in the proceedings of private societies, or in teaching in all kinds of private educational institutions, and in commercial bookkeeping. Thus all the humiliating restrictions which had been imposed upon the Jewish people were swept away.

He had been referred to M. Joyeuse by an honest fellow of his acquaintance, old Passajon, to take lessons in bookkeeping. One of his friends happened to be engaged in large financial transactions in connection with an important joint-stock company.