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He walked with head erect and straight, as though he had feared to disarrange the smart knot of the cravat tied by his daughters, or his hat put on by them, and when the eldest, ever anxious and prudent, just as he went out raised his coat-collar to protect him against the harsh gusts of the wind that blew round the street corner, even if the temperature were that of a hothouse M. Joyeuse would not lower it again until he reached the office, like the lover who, quitting his mistress's arms, dares not to move for fear of losing the intoxicating perfume.

This was quickly done, and all the sailors were embarked to a man before Joyeuse quitted his galley. His sang-froid kept every one in order, and each man landed with a sword or an ax in his hand. Before he had reached the shore, the fire reached the magazine of his ship, which blew up, lighting the whole horizon.

Her fears were, moreover, eagerly fostered by the Comte de Soissons, the Duc d'Epernon, and the Cardinal de Joyeuse, who, desirous of retaining the influence which they had already acquired, neglected no method of arousing her jealousy against the first Prince of the Blood.

Elise, pretty as a flower, with her long eyelashes drooped. At last, making up his mind: "M. Joyeuse," said he thickly, "I have a very serious communication to make to you." M. Joyeuse expresses astonishment. "A communication? Ah, mon Dieu, you alarm me!" And lowering his voice: "Are the girls in the way?" "No. Bonne Maman knows what I mean. Mlle. Elise also must have some suspicion of it.

This opinion Joyeuse did not hesitate to declare in the duke's tent. While the council was held among his captains, the duke was lying on a couch and listening, not to the advice of the admiral, but to the whispers of Aurilly. This man, by his cowardly compliances, his base flatteries, and his continual assiduities, had secured the favor of the prince.

On another occasion he took up the study of jewels, and appeared at a costume ball as Anne de Joyeuse, Admiral of France, in a dress covered with five hundred and sixty pearls.

"Such is the case, however, my brother." "What! if she were now willing, would you be indifferent? Why, this is sheer madness." "Oh! no! no!" exclaimed Henri, with a shudder of horror, "nothing can any longer exist between that woman and myself." "What does this mean?" inquired Joyeuse, with marked surprise; "and who can this woman really be?

King Don Pedro, in his will, in the fourteenth century, bequeathes to his son, his "Castilian sword, which I had made here in Seville, ornamented with stones and gold." Swords were baptized; they were named, and seemed to have a veritable personality of their own. The sword of Charlemagne was christened "Joyeuse," while we all know of Arthur's Excalibur; Roland's sword was called Durandel.

"Your majesty was right to place my death before my disobedience; it would have been a greater grief to me to disobey than to die, and yet I should have disobeyed." "You are a little mad, I think, my poor comte," said Henri. "I am quite so, I believe." "Then the case is serious." Joyeuse sighed. "What is it? tell me." Joyeuse tried to smile.

Then little Father Joyeuse turned red with anger. "That is an absurdity, M. le Juge d'Instruction. M. de Gery is the young man of whom I have spoken to you. He came to the Territorial as a superintendent, and thought too much of this poor M. Jansoulet to remove the receipts for his payments; that is the proof of his blind but thorough honesty.

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