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Full of his own new idea, Abner felt a greater contempt than ever for Bond's late departure and for the facile success that had attended it. "I know how you look upon me," said Bond cheerfully. "Yet who, more than you yourself, is responsible for my come-down?" "You. When the psychological moment was on me and I needed most of all your encouragement, you dashed me with cold water instead.

After breakfast I calculated how much I would have after I paid my debts. I still owe say $23, and I have some shoes to pay for and my hair to cut. I had a wild idea of going over to New York and buying some stocks, but I guess I'll go to Bond's and Baker's instead.

She had heard of Adrian Bond's struggles toward the indigenous, the simplified, and she was willing enough to give him a chance to see the cows in their winter quarters. Clytie Summers had begged very prettily for her glimpse too of the country at this time of year.

Puss rises slowly from the rug, where she has been lying curled up this long time, shakes herself, and puts her two fore paws on Mr. Bond's knees, as if to remind him that he has something to care for and cherish, and then walks back again and puts herself in the old position, while her great orbs are rolled up at the master. "It will not make any difference to you, puss," says Mr.

Sarah Bond's erect and perfectly flat figure was surmounted by a long head and face, round which an abundance of gray hair was folded; for by no other term can I describe its peculiar dress; her cap plain, but white as snow; and a black silk gown, that had seen its best days, was pinned and primmed on, so as to sit as close as possible to a figure which would have been greatly improved by heavy and abundant drapery.

Bond looked at Hubert mildly. "I think you are quite right," he said. Here the discussion seemed to end. Hubert could make no reply to the man who agreed with him. An instinct to fight for his position had sprung up, but he was disarmed by Mr. Bond's assent to his proposition. He was not accustomed to being met like that.

In March, 1798, the affairs of the organization became critical; the arrest of the Directory at Oliver Bond's deprived the party of its best and most trusted leaders, besides placing in the hands of the government a mass of information relative to the plans and resources of the conspirators.

Bond's there, couldn't every body do it there's a certain process to go through before one can learn, and he had tried it thoroughly, and was really a proficient in the thing.

Thus, while Hugh Henfrey was seated beside Mead as Mrs. Bond's car went swiftly towards Kensington, a thin, rather wiry-looking man of middle age entered The Sparrow's room. The latter sprang to his feet quickly at sight of his visitor. "Ah! Howell! I'm glad you've come. Benton and Molly Maxwell are deceiving us. They mean mischief!" The man he addressed as Howell looked aghast.

Bond's fat and merry face peered in at the door. "All right," said he, with a glad smile, "how are you getting along here, eh? Rather better than the old cellar, isn't it, Nannie?" and helping himself to a chair, he took the baby from its mother, pinching its cheeks and chirruping to make it laugh, until even Mrs. Bates was forced into a more cheerful mood.