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Carrie interrupted him, breaking in upon him abruptly: "What things?" "Murders, and " "The murder was done by your friend, not by us." "'Us? Surely you don't identify yourself with these people?" "I do. They are my friends the only friends I have." "But they are thieves, blackmailers!" said Max, saying not what he knew but what he guessed. "What have they stolen from you?

And now, as I resumed my seat, I began puzzling my brain as to how I could get away without giving offence to the second member of my pair of blackmailers. But a little later I managed it, as it has been managed for centuries, by looking suddenly at my watch and recalling a forgotten appointment. "You will come again?" purred Katrina.

"For many years," continued Lecoq, "I have been certain that an organized association of blackmailers exists in Paris; family differences, sin, shame, and sorrow are worked by these wretches like veritable gold mines, and bring them in enormous annual revenues." "Ah," returned Andre, "I expected something of this kind."

"Er because er if I may speak plainly," drawled Average Jones, "I wouldn't risk a woman's name with a gang of blackmailers." "You've got your nerve," retorted the stranger. The keen eyes, flattening almost to slits, fixed on the impassive face of the other. "Well, I'll go you," he decided, after a moment. His glance swept the range of vision and settled upon a rathskeller sign.

Leaving out of account the class of disappearances for their own convenience embezzlers, blackmailers, and so forth there is still a large number of recorded cases where the subjects have dropped out of sight without apparent cause or reason and have left behind them untarnished reputations and solvent back accounts.

His hatred of his father was the causa causans of the whole case; he had pushed Oscar into the fight and Oscar, still intent on shielding him, declared that he had asked him to go abroad. Sir Edward Clarke again did his poor best. He pointed out that the trial rested on the evidence of mere blackmailers.

The worst of it is there is no such thing as getting rid of these pests; they are the most persevering and unscrupulous blackmailers in their own small way that could be imagined.

She would waste money more lavishly even than he had wasted it when he had employed the services of the Searchlight Investigation Bureau. What, after all, were these cushion-footed sleuths but blackmailers of a legalized sort? He dismissed lightly the circumstance that such enterprises fatten upon the support of gentlemen who have work to do which more open methods fail to favor.

Up till now Paul did not know that I was Mascarin, and believed me to be the victim of blackmailers. As a dupe he respected me, as an accomplice he will scorn me. This disastrous marriage must be hastened."

"I would lay a heavy wager," said he, "that we have to do with some villainous blackmailers, and the difficulty of the business is, that we must do the work ourselves, for we dare not invite the aid of the police.