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Hudson's Railway Statistics The Chancellor of the Exchequer hard on Irish Landlords His way of giving relief Sir Robert Peel on the Railway Bill The Railway Bill a doomed measure Peel's eulogium on industry in general, and on Mr. Bianconi in particular Lord G. Bentinck's reply His arguments skipped by his opponents Appoint a Commission, like Mr.

They, the rogues, were now in a great hurry to go and apologise also; but their impudence, for a wonder, would not carry them up to the point for action. Whenever we put into Malta, Dicky and I did not fail to call on Signora Faranelli and Signor Bianconi: and many a happy day we spent at their houses.

"Oh, you want Signora Faranelli, whose coach was run away with last night by some ragamuffins!" said the master of a small shop where we inquired. "The same," answered Adam. "She and her daughters are staying with Signor Bianconi at the big house, there." Adam led us to the house indicated. "I feel in a great funk," whispered Dicky; "don't you, D'Arcy? What shall we say?"

This Abbe Ceruti was one of those journalists employed to write the weekly news of Rome by Bianconi; he and I had in a manner become friends since we were neighbours. I saw that he loved Margarita, and I was not in the least jealous, but as he was a handsome young fellow I could not believe that Margarita was cruel to him.

The writer was a daughter of Charles Bianconi, the originator of all the mail-cars in Ireland, who owned at one time sixteen hundred horses, and always laughed at the idea of any violence on the part of the peasantry, pointing out that though his cars daily covered four thousand miles in twenty-two counties, no injury was ever done to any of his property. Mrs.

Bianconi, ex-Mayor of Clonmel, had shipped to him on the 14th of December, at New York, a small lot of best Indian corn, at twenty-three shillings per quarter of 480 lbs.; and the same post which brought the invoice brought a letter stating the price at Liverpool was seventy-two shillings. What will Lord John Russell say to this? Board of Works' Series, vol. L., p. 97. Mr.

I don't know what he thought was going to happen to us. "I must now introduce you to Signor Bianconi, and I am sure he will have great pleasure if you can remain and spend the evening with us," continued the lady. "I shall hope also to see you shortly at my house in the country."

Bianconi and his cars," began Lord George, "appear to be the standing stock-in-trade of the right hon. gentleman.

Bianconi, a foreigner, an Italian, from Milan, Sir Robert said, who had commenced in the South of Ireland, some years before, with one stage-car: his cars now travel three thousand miles a-day: he received no Government aid. "Let me entreat you," urged the amiable ex-Premier, "to imitate that example." "Mr.

She had there an intimate friend in Bianconi who had abandoned the practice of medicine, and was now the representative of the Court of Saxony. On the eve of my departure, the driver who was to take me to Rome came and asked me if I would like to take a travelling companion, and save myself three sequins. "I don't want anyone." "You are wrong, for she is very beautiful." "Is she by herself?"