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Louisa need not have gone into a shop at all unless she so pleased, but she was a vivacious young person, who preferred having a purse of her own to being dependent on her father. She liked to show herself off, and had the sense to see that she looked better in her neat black alpaca with its simple trimmings than in any of her beflowered and bespangled home dresses.

Of a sudden the gangling, spineless foreman had grown taut and forceful, his long face was hard. "Don't let a Centipede bluff you!" exclaimed Speed. "Cover anything they offer give 'em odds. Anything you don't want, I'll take, pay or play, money at the tape. We can't lose." "I got no more money," said Carara, removing his handsome bespangled hat, "but I bet my sombrero.

No place, no community, no fellowship is adorned and bespangled with such beauties, as is a church rightly knit together to their Head, and lovingly serving one another. The church and a profession are the best of places for the upright; but the worst in the world for the cumberground.

Mrs Fyne looked away weary and sombre, and Fyne said "Yes," impulsively and then qualified the affirmative by the quaint statement: "To a certain extent." I became conscious of a languid, exhausted embarrassment, bowed to Mrs Fyne, and went out of the cottage to be confronted outside its door by the bespangled, cruel revelation of the Immensity of the Universe.

His driver, then, recollecting his own duty, bore him away from the field. In consequence of the blazing lamps dropped by the combatants all around, the earth, O king, looked beautiful like the cloudless firmament bespangled with planets and stars. With the fallen Angadas of the combatants, the earth looked resplendent, O king, like a mass of clouds in the rainy season with flashes of lightning.

It was a perfect autumn night. Every star in the world of space seemed to have been crowded into our own particular expanse of sky, and each one glowed like a tiny lantern. When I had found a patch of sand and had dug a trench for my hip and shoulder, I crawled into the sleeping bag and lay for half an hour looking up at the bespangled canopy above my head.

Behold, the earth possessing the effulgence of the bright moon and diversified as if with myriads of stars, looks like the autumnal firmament bespangled with stellar lights. O Arjuna, these feats that have been achieved by thee in great battle today are, indeed, worthy of thee or of the chief of the celestials himself in heaven." Even thus did Krishna show the field of battle unto Arjuna.

His bases were all imbrodered with snakes & adders, ingendered of the abundance of innocent bloud that was shed. His horses trappinges were throughout bespangled with hunnie spottes, which are no blemishes, but ornaments. On his shield he bare the Sunne full shining on a diall at his going downe, the word sufficit tandem.

So slowly, and painfully, they went on, while Amyas murmured to himself: "No, no other place will suit; I can see all thence." So on they went to the point, where the cyclopean wall of granite cliff which forms the western side of Lundy, ends sheer in a precipice of some three hundred feet, topped by a pile of snow-white rock, bespangled with golden lichens.

And that conclave presided over by king Yudhishthira the Just, abounding with numerous monarchs, blazed forth like the firmament bespangled with lesser luminaries with the moon in their midst." Vaisampayana said, "After the soldiers, O bull of the Bharata race, had been arrayed thus in order of battle, Dhritarashtra, O, king, said these words to Sanjaya.