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"No! when my aunt came home he always went to Germany to Frankfort, I think." "So his acquaintance has yet to be made; it is what you call a pleasure in store. I wonder what you will think of the unknown uncle; perhaps some day you will tell me?" Then he gave an odd laugh and walked away, still laughing. Bernhard's place was speedily filled by another man.

His wife's half-caste maid who waited upon her, managed the house, and was with her for years, has married and gone to Australia, and poor Sophy has been imported to replace the treasure; that is, to nurse her aunt, run the house, and play the old bounder's accompaniments, for he, like Nero, is musical. He is also a friend of that odious Bernhard's.

There's Fotheringay, the A.D.C.; there's Captain Howe; there's Bernhard " "Bernhard's a beast," burst out Shafto. "Naturally you would think so it's only human nature. But Otto is a handsome man and has a fine seductive voice; and mind you, music has charms to soothe the breast, savage or otherwise; as for your prospects, you may apply to me for a testimonial of character: steady, sober "

"In this country, great is the tyranny of Temptation, and there is one of the temptations," gravely announced Salter; "Rangoon is full of these fascinating chits, who have no morals, but are witty, good-tempered and gay. Ma Chit the name means 'my love' is said to be irresistible and the prettiest girl in the province; she is Bernhard's housekeeper."

Schier found so little to correct, in the way of grammatical errors, that these studies were almost relinquished, and gave way to Arabic and Hebrew. Before we left Dresden, Patteson had read large portions of the Koran; and, with the aid of Hurwitz's Grammar and Bernhard's Guide to Hebrew Students, books familiar to Cambridge men, he was soon able to read the Psalms in the original.

In the meantime on the right the king had also forced the road, and had driven from the field the Croats and Poles opposed to him, and he was on the point of wheeling his troops to fall on the flank of the Imperialist centre when one of Duke Bernhard's aides-de-camp dashed up with the news that the left wing had fallen back broken and in disorder.

Milward, Bernhard cemented his acquaintance by means of their mutual love of music; but it seemed to the girl that, after he had heard her destination, Herr Bernhard's manner had undergone a subtle change.

When within fifty yards of the gate he suddenly came upon Colonel Leslie, who had thus early been making a tour of the walls to see that the sentries were upon the alert, for Duke Bernhard's force was within a few miles. He instantly recognized Malcolm. "Ah!" he exclaimed, "Captain Graheme treachery! treachery! shut the gate there," and drawing his sword, threw himself in Malcolm's way.

Sophy now made a forcible and frantic effort to effect her escape from this hateful situation, and struggling through the crowd eventually managed to join her own friends. Disembark to be interned! What a thunderbolt! All at once Bernhard's flushed countenance became livid, his eyes glared savagely, and there suddenly spread a choking, suffocating expression on his large handsome face.

I got Bernhard's long-expected letter today. He looks very black over politics, is expecting another child, and is building barns and stables. I long for news from you and the children. * Dearest love to all. Your most faithful v.B. Biarritz, August 10, '62.