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I have little doubt that we shall fight a great battle to save Nordlingen." While Colonel Munro and his companions were discussing the matter a council of war was being held, and Duke Bernhard's view was adopted by all his generals, who felt with him that their honour was involved in the question, and that it would be disgraceful to march away without striking a blow to save the besieged city.

The height nearest to the town, which is very steep and craggy, is known as the Weinberg, the other is called Allersheim; a village stands some three hundred yards in advance of the valley between the heights, and is nearer to the town than either of the two eminences. The Scotch brigade formed part of Duke Bernhard's command.

Sophy looked round for some means of escape, but she was helpless, being tightly wedged in between two bulwarks the bulwark of the Blankshire and Bernhard's solid form and separated from Mrs. Gregory by a seething crowd of jubilant Teutons. "So 'Der Tag' has come at last!" he continued, staring into her face with arrogant blue eyes; "and we are on the eve of great events.

"But but you won't try to run away, Monsieur Maurice!" I cried, terrified at the picture my own fancy had drawn. He darted a scrutinising glance at me, and said, after a moment's hesitation: "If I intended to do so, petite, I should hardly tell Colonel Bernhard's little daughter beforehand. Besides, why should I care now for liberty? What should I do with it?