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Gal. This which you argue lessens not my Pain, My Grief's the same were I belov'd again. The King my Father would his promise keep, And thou must him enjoy for whom I weep. Er.

I conclude then, returning to the purpose of being feard, and belov'd; insomuch as men love at their own pleasure, and to serve their own turne, and their fear depends upon the Princes pleasure, every wise Prince ought to ground upon that which is of himself, and not upon that which is of another: only this, he ought to use his best wits to avoid hatred, as was said.

Then she called to mind her brother and how he lay sick in a strange land, whilst she was parted from him and knew not what was become of him; and she thought of all that had befallen her with the Bedouin and of her severance from her father and mother and native land; and the tears ran down her cheeks and she repeated the following verses: May God keep watch o'er thee, belov'd, where'er thou art, Thou that, though far away, yet dwellest in my heart!

"Take her, O Chryses," he said; "I am sent by the King Agamemnon, Charg'd to restore her to thee, with a hecatomb fair for Apollo, Vow'd on behalf of the host, if perchance it may work our atonement, Press'd with afflictions severe by the far-shot darts of the Godhead." So did he speak, and deliver'd the daughter belov'd to her father: Glad was the old man's heart to receive her.

Severer love spares me no way, or loving, or belov'd a wretch: Chrysis adores me, and is ever giving me occasion to address: She, that when she brought me to her mistress, despis'd me for my mean habit as one beneath her desires; that very Chrysis that so scorn'd my former fortune, pursues this even with the hazard of her own; and swore, when she first discover'd to me the violence of her love, that she wou'd be ever true to me.

One skilled in his profession and of extensive ingenuity. As he lived universally beloved, so he died as much lamented, August 28th, 1750, aged 35 years. Several of his scholars, moved by affection and gratitude, at their own expense erected this in remembrance of his worth and merit. "Virtue, good nature, learning, all combined To render him belov'd of human kind."

Yet ought a Prince cause himself to be belov'd in such a manner, that if he gains not love, he may avoid hatred: for it may well stand together, that a man may be feard and not hated; which shall never fail, if he abstain from his subjects goods, and their wives; and whensoever he should be forc'd to proceed against any of their lives, do it when it is to be done upon a just cause, and apparent conviction; but above all things forbeare to lay his hands on other mens goods; for men forget sooner the death of their father, than the loss of their patrimony.

He was out of his head nearly all the time. In the morning, as he died in the afternoon, S. was standing over him, when Charlie put up his arms around S.'s neck, and pull'd his face down and kiss'd him. S. said he knew then the end was near. All work seem'd play to him. He had no vices, any more than Nature has, and was belov'd by all who knew him.

The painter, the sculptor, the poet, express heroic beauty better in description; but the others are heroic beauty, the best belov'd of art. Talk not so much, then, young artist, of the great old masters, who but painted and chisell'd. Study not only their productions. There is a still higher school for him who would kindle his fire with coal from the altar of the loftiest and purest art.

Then had it audible greeting from all the array of Achaians Duly to honour the priest and accept fair gifts of redemption; Only displeased in his mind was the King Agamemnon Atreides Stern the rejection from him and ungentle his word of dismissal. Wrathful the elder departed, and pray'd in his wrath to Apollo; Nor was the prayer unheard, for the priest was belov'd of the Godhead.