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He had at once told them that he was English, and had produced his passport; and they had decided upon taking him to the Maire, for the examination of his papers but on the way the crowd, increased by fresh arrivals, had determined to take the law into their own hands; and only the arrival of the young Barclays, and their cousins, had saved his life.

"You are cool hands, you Barclays," General Ducrot said. "How did you get commissions first? Were you at the Polytechnic, or Saint Cyr?" "No, general," Ralph said, modestly, "we had no such advantages. We won our commissions and the cross of the Legion in the Vosges, as franc tireurs." "In which corps?" General Trochu asked, a little sharply.

Barclay's illness, the town, in one of those outbursts of feeling which communities often have, seemed to try to show John Barclay the affection that was in their hearts for the man who had grown up among them, and the family that had been established under his name. Flowers summer flowers poured in on the Barclays.

I tried so hard to get her to come to dinner to-night, and the Trowbridges' and the Barclays'. You've no idea how difficult it is in New York to get any one under two weeks. And so we've got just ourselves." Honora was on the point of declaring, politely, that she was very glad, when Lily Dallam asked her how she liked the brougham. "It's the image of Mrs.

Among those standing in a group round the young Barclays was a lieutenant of Mobiles; who evidently by no means approved of the attention, and interest which they excited among the ladies; and who had made several sarcastic remarks, during the course of the narrative.

The Barclays were naturally selected to reconnoiter and, as their change of clothes had been always by Major Tempe's orders carried on the baggage horse, they had no difficulty upon that score. Their expedition was uneventful.

It was not fated that the war should end without the boys seeing service once more for, upon the 21st, heavy firing was heard upon the northwest of Dijon. The Barclays' house was on the southwest of the town. Upon the northwest the ground rises in two steep hills or rather one steep hill, with two summits about a mile apart. One of these summits is called Talant, the other Fontaine les Dijon.

The Barclays did not hear what he was; however, they guessed, and they guessed correctly so far as that goes. But Molly Culpepper did hear what he was and what he had been and what he would be, and the more she parried him, the closer he came. There were times when he forgot the "Miss" before the "Molly," and there were other times when she had to slip her hand from his ever so deftly.

The young Barclays laughed, and Percy muttered something under his breath; while Louis Duburg replied, seriously, that he hoped the franc tireurs of Dijon would always do their best to deserve the kind thoughts of mademoiselles at which piece of politeness Percy muttered, "Bosh!" Epinal had, as yet, escaped; but it was feared that, ere long, the enemy would advance.

Have you heard of any villas for the Barclays in Newport? No no, you haven't, but you may like to know that I have control of a railroad that handles more wheat than any other hundred miles in the world, and it is the key to the lake situation. And I've put the price of my Economy Door Strip up to ten dollars, and they don't dare refuse it.