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No one objected, least of all the husband, who worshiped at the shrine of the blooming Bernardini when she quarreled with Civilla. A lady of fashion has a choice of lovers, as she has a choice of dresses for all emergencies. "But how about these new figures?" asked Orsetti. "Per Bacco hear the music!" cried Malatesta. "What a delicious waltz! I want to dance. Let's settle it at once.

She was serving an Indian squaw, who demanded bright calico, 'bacco, and as much of anything else as she could get, for fourteen beaver skins partly dressed, and as soft as velvet. Beaver, even in that district, was becoming very scarce.

Or he must deal with you as you deserve and out you go from Geneva!" "Per Bacco! I am not the only soldier," Grio muttered, "who ruffles it here!" "No! And is not that half our battle?" Basterga rejoined, gazing on him with massive scorn. "To make use of them and their grumbling, and their distaste for the Venerable Company of Pastors who rule us!

The whole company rose to its feet, galvanized. "Bravo! Ah, bravo!" "Splendid!" "Deuced clever deuced clever!" "Now, that is something worth talking about." "A man like him ought to be in the Chamber." "He will be, per Bacco!

He stamped, puffed, shouted; his fingers were as swift as the serpent's double tongue; and finally, at the last crash on the keys, he fell back in his chair, resting his head on the top of it. "Per Bacco! I am quite stunned," said the Count as he left the house. "A child dancing on the keyboard would make better music."

It only means giving them a bit of 'bacco and sugar and sending 'em away again. Don't look afraid of 'em. Better give 'em what they want and let 'em go. They wander about, so we may never see 'em again."

It struck me, as we came in, that there was a spot free from sea-weed, where the water looked deep, which should be just now on our larboard bow. Per Bacco, I see it, and will try it. If we strike, we shall fight there to better advantage than under weigh, and the mistico will be, soon up to our assistance."

If I smoked 'bacco some night I should set my plaace afire, 'stead o' just rolling up a bit o' stoof and clapping it in my mooth." "I don't know what you mean, Dave," cried Dick. "Then I'll tell'ee, lad. Some un got smoking his pipe in one of they stables, and set it afire." "No, no; some one must have set fire to the stacks." "Nay!" cried Dave, staring in the lad's face with his jaw dropped.

Per Bacco! un gallant' uomo!" exclaimed, in a martial ecstasy, a fat little Italian, who manufactured toothpicks and wicker cradles on the island of Notre Dame; "your exploits shall resound through Europe! and the history of those wars should be written in your blood!" "Never mind! a trifle!" exclaimed the soldier.

"Never mind, Count Nobili, don't apologize; I can bear any thing from a young man who celebrates the festival of the Holy Countenance with such magnificence. Per Bacco! you are the best Lucchese in Lucca. I have seen nothing like it since the duke left. My son, it was worthy of the palace you inhabit." Ah! could the marchesa have heard this, she would never have spoken to Trenta again!