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Updated: August 1, 2024

Then the Colonel, down in the pit, and O'Flynn on top of the frame, took the great two-handled saw between them, and began laboriously, one drawing the big blade up, and the other down, vertically through the log along the charcoal line. "An' that's how it's done, wid bits of yer arrums and yer back that have niver been called on to wurruk befure.

"Will, thin," continued Mick, "ez Oi came out on dick oop the fore- hatchway, be the powers, I says, sure, a tirrible big black thing roight foreninst me, wid its long arrums stritched oot on ayther soide; an' whin Oi looked oop fur to say if the onairthly craychur hed ony hid on him "

Go on an' get promotion. Sez mesilf to me, 'What for? Sez I to mesilf, 'For the glory av ut! Sez mesilf to me, 'Will that fill these two strong arrums av yours, Terence? 'Go to the devil, sez I to mesilf, 'Go to the married lines, sez mesilf to me. 'Tis the same thing, sez I to mesilf. 'Av you're the same man, ut is, said mesilf to me; an' wid that I considhered on ut a long while.

"Aifairs av state," continued "His Majesty," "doesn't allow us to give full an' free play to that jaynial timpiramint that's our chafe an' layding fayture. It's war toime now, so it is, an' our r'y'l moind's got to be harsh, oystayre, an' onbinding. War wid our raybellious subjix compile us to rayjuice thim to obejience by farree av arrums."

"Fwhat tailor-men do they give me to work wid?" sez the Arm'rer Sargint. "Here's Hogan, his nose flat as a table, laid by for a week, an' ivry Comp'ny sendin' their arrums in knocked to small shivreens." "Fwhat's wrong wid Hogan, Sargint?" sez I. "Wrong!" sez the Arm'rer Sargint; "I showed him, as though I had been his mother, the way av shtrippin' a 'Tini, an' he shtrup her clane an' easy.

His name's O'Toole, that's now in the Carlist camp, an' a divil av a feller he is. He'd sweep Ireland from one ind av it to the other. Give me O'Toole, says I, an' I'll bate the worruld in arrums, says I. Begorra, I would. An' now fill yer glass, me boy." "His Majesty" mixed another tumbler for Russell. "Drink, me lord," said he, "to the fairest av the fair."

Don't give them time to recover themselves; if the naygurs won't go below or throw down their arrums, just haive them overboard." The onslaught of the three other boats' crews which, having stolen quietly up in the confusion and slipped in over the bows without molestation, were perfectly fresh was irresistible.

"They CAN run, can't they?" said Norah, who was laughing. "Did you hurt yourself, Murty?" "Only me timper," said the Irishman, grinning. "But 'twas enough to make a man angry to see that little omadhaun dancin' an' flapping his arrums f'r all the world loike a monkey on a stick an' pardon to ye, Miss Norah, but I do be forgettin' he's y'r cousin."

"Be aisy, now, will yez?" he said, in a milder voice, "an' howld away yer arrums, jool, till I invistigate the primisis. If it's a livin' man I'll fix him; an' if it's a ghost begorra, I'll let him go." With these words "His Majesty" succeeded in extricating himself from the clutches of Mrs. Russell, and, holding aloft the torch, began to walk about the room, looking closely everywhere, while Mrs.

He might've evicted twinty thousan' tinants, an' lived to joke about it over his bottle. 'Twas th' music iv th' band an' th' dancin' on th' hill an' th' lights th' Galway man seen whin he wint up th' muddy road with his babby in his arrums that done th' business f'r Dorsey." "'Twas this way," said Mr. Hennessy, sparring at Mr. Dooley.

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