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Updated: August 1, 2024

He then turned to the footman behind his chair and asked him if his sword was upstairs. The footman said no, and then the fatuous young man turned to an abbe who sat near me, and enquired who had taken away his mistress: "It was her husband," said the abbe. "Her husband! Oh, that's another thing; husbands don't fight a man of honour always apologises to them."

The apparition of a poet disquiets them, for he clothes himself with the elements, and apologises to no idols. His candour frightens them: they avert their eyes from it; or they treat it as a licensed whim; or, with a sudden gleam of insight, and apprehension of what this means for them and theirs, they scream aloud for fear.

Why, even the Minister of Agriculture, who really knows and dreads the danger, almost apologises for taking two hundred and fifty thousand from those vital industries, to carry out, not his immediate, but his ideal, programme. Vital industries! Ah! vital to Britain's destruction within the next few generations unless we mend our ways!

And meanwhile we are bending over the wounded leg and our work gets on apace. "Now, repeat," says the Sergeant. He goes over it again, verse by verse, and Auger accompanies him. Quand en passant dedans la plai-ai-ne... Auger stops now and then to make a slight grimace. Sometimes, too, his voice breaks. He apologises simply: "I could never sing in tune."

He more than once explains that the "Memoirs" have no claim to the more respectable title of "History"; and he apologises for introducing anecdotes which might be thought inconsistent with what Macaulay brands as "a vile phrase," the dignity of history.

Situation of Affairs in Flanders. Peace Brought About by Duc d'Alencon's Negotiation. Marechal de Biron Apologises for Firing on Nerac. Henri Desperately in Love with Fosseuse. Queen Marguerite Discovers Fosseuse to Be Pregnant, Which She Denies. Fosseuse in Labour. Marguerite's Generous Behaviour to Her. Marguerite's Return to Paris.

Brown does not see that he is insulting his hearers when he apologises for introducing logic into lectures upon metaphysics, and indemnifies them by quotations from Akenside and the Essay on Man. Brown, however, showed great acuteness and originality. He made deviations, and took pains to mark his deviations, from Reid, though he spoke more guardedly of his own friend, Stewart.

He apologises for its style by saying that if it betrayed any weakness of thought or inelegance of expression this was only what might be expected from a man who had so long been surrounded by the coarse and offensive patois of barbarians.

"'Twas, madam the colonel himself." "The colonel himself!" "Yes, madam, the colonel himself, who called this morning to see you and renew the intimacy, I presume; but by mistake was shown up to me, and then made an apology for his conduct." "It's excessively strange! first the colonel is rude, without my knowledge, and then apologises to you!

The Chief raised his arm promptly. The men lowered their rifles, and Craig galloped back to his host's side. The Chief listened to him, nodding gravely. Presently he rode up to the little party. He saluted the Professor and talked to him in his own language. The Professor turned to the others. "The Chief apologises for not recognising me," he announced.

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