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He longs to clasp them round his neck, yet is fearful lest his trembling fingers touching them as he performs his tantalising task may offend her. Anne thanks him, and apologises for having given him so much trouble, and he murmurs some meaningless reply, and stands foolishly silent, watching her.

Tom descends, bowing courteously, apologises for having been absent when the highly distinguished gentleman arrived; and turning to the Bursch, begs him to transmit to his friend who has run away his apologies for the absurd mistake which led him to, etc. etc.

Maybe he is going to get nasty, and insist on carrying it himself. We call this "the yellow danger." A friend of mine he is a man who in the street walks into lamp- posts, and apologises sees rising from the East the dawn of a new day in the world's history. The yellow danger is to him a golden hope.

Caelius, always attracted by novelty, left Cicero and attached himself to Catiline; and for this vagary, as well as for his own want of success in controlling his pupil, Cicero rather awkwardly and amusingly apologises in the early chapters of his speech in his defence.

In vain he apologises for the non-arrival of ships; there is something radically wrong in his department, for which he is expected to answer; and dark denunciations are muttered in his ear, until worn out with anxiety and nervousness, he loses his appetite, and gradually withers away, like grass in the oven.

He will 'answer for the expenses, and apologises for 'such a long and fatiguing journey. He wrote to Waters, 'You may let Mr. Newton know that whenever he has thoroly finished his Business, Mr. The 'business' of 'Mr. Newton' was to collect remittances from Cluny. On April 30, the Prince, as 'Mr. Newton.

An elderly person of very dignified aspect makes his appearance, announces himself as a stranger from a distant country, and apologises very politely for not having provided himself with letters of introduction. Mr.

Polly apologises sincerely for her rudeness, and will write you to that effect, as of course she does not know of this letter. Sincerely your friend, 'The time before the fire they sat, And shortened the delay by pleasing chat. The August days had slipped away one after another, and September was at hand. There was no perceptible change of weather to mark the advent of the new month.

J. Allanson Picton, Spinoza, p. 213. To say that religious thought is passing to-day through a period of peculiar stress is to utter a commonplace so threadbare that one apologises for repeating it.

While the aged landlord conducts me to the bath, where he insists upon washing me himself as if I were a child, the wife prepares for us a charming little repast of rice, eggs, vegetables, and sweetmeats. She is painfully in doubt about her ability to please me, even after I have eaten enough for two men, and apologises too much for not being able to offer me more.