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Updated: August 21, 2024

Anketam was shocked when he heard the news that the Invaders had reached Tana L'At, having cut down through the center of the continent, dividing the inhabited part of Xedii into two almost equal parts. They knocked out Tana L'At with a heavy shelling of paralysis gas, evacuated the inhabitants, and dusted the city with radioactive powder to make it uninhabitable for several years.

Anketam and Blejjo took off their clothes and cooled themselves in the water for a good half hour before they dressed again and went on upriver to a spot where Blejjo swore the fish were biting. They were. In the next four hours, the two men had caught six fish apiece, and Blejjo was trying for his seventh.

The boy might just take it in his head to do something silly. Russat laughed and shook his head. "No, no. I'm not crazy, and I'm not stupid at least, I think not. No; I got to go up to Chromdin. My Chief is sending word that he's ready to supply goods for the war." Anketam frowned. He'd heard that there might be war, of course.

Get everyone down to the river and tell them to hide in the brush at the Big Swamp. The Invaders won't go there. Move!" Kevenoe didn't even pause to answer. He ran back toward the saddle animal he had tethered at the edge of the village. Anketam was running in the opposite direction, toward Basom's quarters. He didn't bother to knock. He flung open the door and yelled, "Basom!"

If he ever said one word to me, I'd probably break his neck right there." Anketam nodded. The Chief had given Zillia to Kevenoe only two months before, and the only one who liked the situation was Kevenoe himself. "I'll deal with Kevenoe, Basom," Anketam said. "Don't you worry about that." "All right, then," Basom said. "I'll do my best, Anketam." "You'd better," said Anketam.

As The Chief turned away, Anketam said: "Thank you, sir and good luck to you, sir." Chief Samas turned back again. "By the way," he said, "there's one more thing. I know that men don't always agree on everything. If there is any dispute between you and Kevenoe, submit the question to my wife for arbitration." He hesitated. "However, I trust that there will not be many such disputes.

Here, near the river, there was a slight breeze, and it was fairly cool beneath the overhanging branches of the closely bunched trees. Blejjo had spotted a big, red-and-yellow striped beauty loafing quietly in a back eddy, and he was lowering his hook gently to a point just in front of the fish when both men heard the voice calling. "Anketam! Anketam! Blejjo! Where you at?"

He knew that Jacovik envied him the job; he knew that Jacovik had only missed the appointment by a narrow margin. "Jac," he said, "have you got a man on your crew that you can trust to take over your job?" "Madders could do it, I think," Jacovik said cautiously. "Why?" "This is too big a job for one man," said Anketam quietly. "I'll need help. I want you to help me, Jac."

"No," said Anketam. "I suppose not." "I understand they have been making all kinds of threats," Russat said. "Trying to tell everybody what to do. They think they run all of Creation, I guess. Anyway, they were told to pull out right after the last harvest. They refused to do it, and for a while nobody did anything. Then, last week, the President ordered the Army to throw 'em out bag and baggage.

"I have been ordered to read to you the proclamation of the Union President." He looked down at the papers and began to read: "Henceforth, all the peoples of Xedii shall be free and equal. They shall have the right to change their work at will, to be paid in lawful money instead of " Anketam just stood there, his mind glazed.

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