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Suddenly he stopped, and fixed his eyes upon me. "Mr. Moray," said he, "it would seem that you, angering La Pompadour, brought down this war upon us." He paused, smiling in a dry way, as if the thought amused him, as if indeed he doubted it; but for that I cared not, it was an honour I could easily live without. I bowed to his words, and said, "Mine was the last straw, sir."

Ariel is taunting the persons she addresses, with the intention of angering them; and the "you" is repeated, because those highly respectable men cannot at first bring their minds to believe that such unsavory epithets are addressed to them. We should punctuate thus, following the order of the words in the Folio,

He could not read, and, had he been able, their contents would have conveyed no meaning to him. He burned every one in secret. It is possible, and even likely, that had they reached Roger they would have had no effect beyond angering him.

Having slain Vrihadvala thus, the son of Subhadra careered in battle, paralysing thy warriors, those great bowmen, by means of arrowy downpours, thick as rain." "Sanjaya said, 'Phalguni's son once more pierced Karna in the car with a barbed arrow, and for angering him still further, he pierced him with fifty other shafts. The son of Radha pierced Abhimanyu in return with as many shafts.

'I know not, answered Dorothy. 'When first I entered the chamber, he had already gone. 'And what then hadst thou to do entering it? asked the housekeeper, in a tone that did Dorothy good by angering her. Mistress Watson was a kind soul in reality, but few natures can resist the debasing influence of a sudden sense of superiority.

"There are so many things you wouldn't have thought, on such a variety of subjects," he observed, with a show of resuming his breakfast. "But why continue? We are only angering each other." "Never mind that," she replied, with more control over her speech. "I guess things have come to a pass where a little anger won't do any harm.

She had been saved from foolishness and error; kept from troubling her poor mother; prevented from angering and mortifying her aunts.

"What of it?" he said, angering. "I didn't know she was coming, did I?" "You knew she might," said Carrie. "I told you she said she was coming. I've asked you a dozen times to wear your other clothes. Oh, I think this is just terrible." "Oh, let up," he answered. "What difference does it make? You couldn't associate with her, anyway. They've got too much money.

BOLSHÓV. You nest of snakes! AGRAFÉNA KONDRÁTYEVNA. Barbarian, you barbarian! Robber that you are! You shan't have my blessing! You'll dry up, money and all; you'll dry up, dying before your time! You robber! Robber that you are! PODKHALYÚZIN. That'll do, mamma; you're angering God. Why are you cursing me when you haven't looked into the business?

Still the girl refused to listen, and Shandaken counselled him to be content with the smiles of others, thereby so angering the Egyptian that he assailed the chief and was driven from the camp with blows; but on the day of Lotowana's wedding with the Mohawk he returned, and in a honeyed speech asked leave to give a jewel to the bride to show that he had stifled jealousy and ill will.