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Accidents will happen. And if at first ye don't succeed, why, try, try again he! he!" Dusk was merging into darkness when the Master and Andrew reached the Dalesman's Daughter. It had been long dark when they emerged from the cosy parlor of the inn and plunged out into the night.

Andrew let himself into the house about the hour of 8:30 a. m., and almost fell into the arms of the agitated widow. "Have you found him? Where is he? What has happened?" she implored him. It was another of Andrew's wholesome peculiarities that, having once distrusted a person, his suspicions could hardly be allayed, even by evidence that would have satisfied a hypochondriacal ex-detective.

But now she wanted to get a definite opinion from him in regard to certain modes of money-making, which had naturally of late occupied a good deal of her thought. "What is your notion concerning money-lending I mean at interest, Mr. Ingram?" she said. "I hear it is objected to nowadays by some that set up for teachers!" "It is by no means the first time in the world's history," answered Andrew.

And the three made a night of it, sitting up late, and draining such huge bumpers to the health of the Queen of England, that as the excellent Andrew subsequently informed Lord Burghley his head ached most bravely next morning.

The night passes, and the Countess pursues: 'Awakened by your fresh note from a dream of Evan on horseback, and a multitude hailing him Count Jocelyn for Fallow field! A morning dream. They might desire that he should change his name; but "Count" is preposterous, though it may conceal something. 'You say Andrew will come, and talk of his bringing Caroline.

"In his own time he will destroy all evil. He has already come among you: all you must do is accept the power he gives you to obey his commands." "Master, what do you want us to do?" asked Peter. Hearing his brother's strong voice, Andrew could hardly believe that only that morning Peter had tried to leave Jerusalem because everything reminded him that he had denied his Lord.

"What boys?" "Why, we got into a little discussion over to the Brookville House about this Andrew Bolton business his coming back unexpected, you know; and some of the boys seemed to think they hadn't got all that was coming to them by rights. Lute Parsons he gets kind of worked up after about three or four glasses, and he sicked the boys onto going out there, and " "Going out where?

They reached the lake after several adventures and settled down in a comfortable camp, from which, however, they were driven by a saw mill owner named Andrew Felps, who ran a rival concern to that in which Snap's father owned an interest. The young hunters then moved to Firefly Lake, a mile away, and there hunted and fished to their hearts' content.

Andrew Malden was going to sell the Cove Mine for five hundred thousand dollars and it was not worth one cent! It was an outrageous fraud. The boy felt like going and telling those capitalists. He felt a sense of personal guilt. Yet he almost hated those men. What difference if they were cheated? they would never miss it; they deserved it. How much Uncle Andy needed the money!

That evening, Dame Lovell and Friar Andrew sat down by the fire to listen to that last letter. Her widow's dress, somewhat resembling that of a nun, but pure white, left only her eyes, nose, and mouth visible. Richard Pynson, in a rather more ambitious costume than the page's suit wherein we made his acquaintance, seated himself in the opposite corner.