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The brethren asked if their sister Rosamund was not coming to dine with them. Masouda answered that as the queen-elect of the Al-je-bal it was not lawful that she should eat with any other men, even her brothers. Then as she passed out, stumbling as though by accident, she brushed against Godwin, and muttered: "Remember, to-night," and was gone.

I will tell you after four days. If you are not satisfied with that, go, denounce me, do your worst, and I will do mine, for which I should be sorry." "Where is the security that you will not do it if we are satisfied?" asked Wulf bluntly. "You must take the word of a 'daughter of Al-je-bal. I have none other to offer," she replied. "That may mean death," said Wulf.

The officer looked and said: 'It is the very Signet, sure enough, and there is no other. "Yet he paused, studying the black stone veined with the red dagger and the ancient writing on it. "'Are you, then, weary of life? I asked. 'Fool, the Al-je-bal himself would keep a tryst within this house, which he enters secretly from the palace. Woe to you if he does not find his lady there!

All the company drank also, and shouted till the hall rang, for her loveliness as she stood thus in the fierce light of the torches, aflame as these men were with the vision-breeding wine of Al-je-bal, moved them to madness. "Queen! Queen!" they shouted. "Queen of our Master and of us all!" Sinan heard and smiled.

We are the ambassadors of Salah-ed-din, Commander of the Faithful, Sultan of the East; in these papers signed with his signet are our credentials, if you would read them." "So," answered Sinan, "I have heard of that chief. What is his will with me?" "This, Al-je-bal.

Then boats came out to greet them from the shore for at that time Beirut was in the hands of the Franks and in the shouting and confusion which followed they saw no more of this merchant Thomas. Nor did they seek him out again, since they thought it unwise to show themselves too curious about the Sheik Al-je-bal.

Who my master is or why I do so is naught to you. But I like you well, and we have ridden together a wild ride. Therefore I warn you, though perhaps I should not say so much, that the lord Al-je-bal is one who takes payment for what he gives, and that this business may cost you your lives."

The gardens will be empty of feasters and of cup-bearers, who with every soul within the city will have gathered on the walls and on the house-tops to see the fray. There is but one fear by then a guard may be set before this mound, seeing that Salah-ed-din has declared war upon Al-je-bal, and though yonder road is known to few, it is a road, and sentries may watch here.

Presently, however, in a perfect foam of passion he said, or rather spat out: "No wonder, Masouda the Spy, that after hiring me to do your evil work, you take the part of these Christian dogs against a true believer, you child of Al-je-bal!" Instantly the woman seemed to stiffen like a snake about to strike. "Who is he?" she said coldly. "Do you mean the lord who kills?"

"Go back," he said, "and tell that dog you name a sultan, that low as he is, the humble-born son of Ayoub, I, Al-je-bal, do him an honour that he does not observe. My queen is dead, and two days from now, when my month of mourning is expired, I shall take to wife his niece, the princess of Baalbec, who sits here beside me, my bride-elect."