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"Lady Masouda," asked Godwin, "when last I saw you you were hanging from those jaws. Say, are you hurt?" "Nay," she answered, "for I wear mail like you, and the teeth glanced on it so that she held me by the cloak only. Come, let us skin the beast, and take its pelt as a present to the lord Al-je-bal." "Good," said Godwin, "and I give you the claws for a necklace."

Then Godwin answered through her. "We understand little of this matter, who are ignorant of your tongue, but, O Al-je-bal, ere we leave your sheltering roof we have a quarrel to settle with the man Lozelle. After that, with your permission, we will go, but not before."

Then he told of the blows that followed, and of his last that wounded Lozelle, shearing through his mail and felling him as an ox is felled by the butcher: How also, when he sprang forward to kill him, this mighty and brutal man had prayed for mercy, prayed it in the name of Christ and of their own mother, whom as a child he knew in Essex: How he could not slaughter him, being helpless, but turned away, saying that he left him to be dealt with by Al-je-bal, whereupon this traitorous dog sprang up and strove to knife him.

Let us ask our hostess if she has any news for us," said Wulf as they walked back to the inn. "Ay, we will ask her," answered Godwin. As it chanced, there was no need, for when they entered their chamber they found Masouda standing in the centre of it, apparently lost in thought. "I have come to speak with you," she said, looking up. "Do you still wish to visit the Sheik Al-je-bal?"

"In the dread name of Sinan, in the name of the lord Al-je-bal, O servant of Salah-ed-din." At these words a groan of fear went up even from the brave Saracens, for now they learned that they had to do with the terrible chief of the Assassins. "Is there then war between the Sultan and Sinan?" asked Hassan. "Ay, there is always war.

These men, who seemed weary with long travel, marched up the terrace with a proud mien, not looking at the dais or any one until they saw the brethren standing side by side, at whom they stared a little. Next they caught sight of Rosamund sitting in the shadow of the canopy, and bowed to her, but of the Al-je-bal they took no notice.

But that Al-je-bal is dead, and another of his line rules who took no such oath. How do you know that he will befriend you how that he will not enslave or kill you?

There I found your lady recovered from her faintness, but mad with fear, and forced her to eat and drink. "The rest is short. Before the two hours were gone a messenger came, saying that the Al-je-bal bade me do what he had commanded. "'Return, I answered; 'the princess adorns herself. We follow presently alone, as it is commanded.

Thenceforward they may fight as it pleases them, ahorse, or afoot, with lance, with sword, or with dagger, but to the vanquished no mercy will be shown. If he be brought living from the bridge, living he shall be cast into the gulf. Hear the decree of the Al-je-bal!" Then Wulf's horse was led forward to the entrance of the bridge, and from the further side was led forward the horse of Lozelle.

"Now," he whispered, and bowing to the Al-je-bal, they pushed their horses through the open gate where the mob closed in on them, thus for a little while holding back the escort from following on their heels. They spoke to Flame and Smoke, and the good horses plunged onward side by side, separating the crowd as the prows of boats separate the water.