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Wulf heard the step of the sentries on the cemented pavement without, and shook his great shoulders as though he shivered. "That sound makes my backbone cold," he said. "For a moment, as my eyes opened, I thought that we were back again in the guest chambers of Al-je-bal, where folk crept round us as we slept and murderers marched to and fro outside the curtains, fingering their knife-points.

Henceforth be pleased to forget the widow Masouda and, until we reach the land of Al-je-bal, to remember that I am your servant, a halfbreed from Jaffa named David, of no religion or of all." In the stable the horses stood saddled, and near to them another a good Arab and two laden Cyprian mules, but no attendant was to be seen.

"Not much, except that, as we are going to visit Al-je-bal, of course we think ourselves fortunate to have met his daughter." "Going to visit Al-je-bal? Yes, you hinted as much upon the ship, did you not? Perhaps that is why I came to meet you. Well, your throats will be cut before ever you reach the first of his castles."

This was also preceded by an officer of the Assassins, as these servants of Al-je-bal were called by the Franks, and behind him, mounted on a splendid coalblack steed and followed by guards, rode a mail-clad Frankish knight. "It is Lozelle," said Wulf, "upon the horse that Sinan promised him." At the sight of the man a fury took hold of Godwin. With a shout of warning he drew his sword.

He wondered what Rosamund would have thought of it, if she had seen that strange and turbulent look in the eyes of this woman who had been a lady and was an inn-keeper; of one whom men called Spy, and daughter of Satan, and child of Al-je-bal.

"We were led," answered Godwin. "Your father had wisdom at his death, and saw what we could not see." "Ay," added Wulf, "but I would that it had been into some other place, for I fear this lord Al-je-bal at whose nod men hurl themselves to death." "He is hateful," answered Rosamund, with a shudder; "worse even than the knight Lozelle; and when he fixes his eyes on me, my heart grows sick.

Al-je-bal, we depart, but within a week we appear again in the company of ten thousand spears, and on one of them shall your head be set. Your safe-conduct guards us till the sunset. After that, do your worst, as we do ours. High Princess, our counsel to you is that you slay yourself and so gain immortal honour."

Oh, God be praised!" she gasped, then, had not Masouda caught her, would have fallen. The Emir looked at her, her long hair loose, her face stained, her veil torn, but still clad in the silk and gleaming gems with which she had been decked as the bride-elect of Al-je-bal. Then low to the earth he bent his knee, while the grave Saracens watched, and taking the hem of her garment, he kissed it.

Wulf glared at the Al-je-bal, whose head by good fortune was turned away, and so fierce was the rage swelling in his heart that a mist seemed to gather before his eyes, and through it this devilish chief of a people of murderers, clothed in his robe of flaming red, looked like a man steeped in blood.

"Only this, lord," answered Godwin; "these men came to kill you and we held them off till help arrived." "Kill me! My own guard kill me?" "They are not your guard; they are fedai, disguised as your guard, and sent by Al-je-bal, as he promised."