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"I shall never be second, Peggy." "What if Betty were here?" queried Peggy mirthfully. "We should both have to give up then, of course. I'll tell thee what: Being of the sect of Friends we cannot fight a duel, as the world's people do, so when we go down-stairs let's note which one of us he addresses first. That one shall be The One," she ended impressively. "Very well. Is thee ready, Sally?"

The first was a massive intellect which, in the security of a long-established university system, delighted to deal, in a series of addresses to the Glasgow students, with such subjects as the unity and progressiveness of the sciences, the study of history, the study of art, and the place in human development of Erasmus and Galileo, Bacon, Hume and Bishop Butler.

For this I have met you, met you without a thought which Lucretia would have a right to blame, could she read my heart; met you," and the voice for the first time faltered, "that I might say, 'Be at peace; it is your sister that addresses you.

The wax has been softened in spirit, the fastenings have been steamed, and they are now open." The king took out a handful of the letters and glanced at the addresses. "I should indeed like to read the hearts of these people," said he. "Thus only can I tell the true thoughts of those who bow and simper before my face.

But exactly because this result is really beautiful, its conformity is not expressed; it does not take the understanding apart to address it exclusively; it is a harmonious unity which addresses the entire man all his faculties together; it is nature speaking to nature. A vulgar criticism may perhaps find it empty, paltry, and too little determined.

But the disdainful pin had not yet gone through a vital part of Lawrence's hopes, and they had strength to spin and buzz a good deal yet. As soon as he should have an opportunity he would rack his brains to find out what it was that had put Roberta March into such a strange humor. No one who simply desired to decline the addresses of a gentleman would treat her lover as Miss March had treated him.

It is to be added that the numerous addresses to the late Governor-General, which his friends in Bengal obtained from the natives and transmitted to England, made a considerable impression. To these addresses we attach little or no importance. That Hastings was beloved by the people whom he governed is true; but the eulogies of pundits, zemindars, Mahommedan doctors, do not prove it to be true.

Mr Loman then followed up his advantage by finding out all he could about the companions whom his son had been in the habit of meeting on the occasion of his visits to the Cockchafer. What were their names, occupations, addresses, and so on?

Dear Plantagenet, I am always afraid I never pay him sufficient respect; that I do not feel sufficient awe in his presence; but I cannot disconnect him from the playfellow of my infancy; and, do you know, it seems to me, whenever he addresses me, his voice and air change, and assume quite the tone and manner of childhood.

"That doesn’t matter nowas the lieutenant and Captain Bayliss have pointed outif my only proof is in Kentucky and out of reach." "I suppose you have heard of telegraphs?" Rennie’s sarcasm was cold. "Communication with Kentucky is not so impossible as you appear to think. You give me a name and addressor names and addressesand I’ll do the rest.