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I bought cats all over London they've been with me ever since yowling they yowled in the taxi all over London they traveled down as far as Rowington with me and an old gentleman a high-spirited old gentleman yowling not only the cats but the old gentleman, too -and they traveled from Rowington to Little Deeping with me and two maiden ladies timid maiden ladies! yowling!

The Collie Park's henmost man he was a little berfit craturie wi' nicker-buckers an' a straw hat was in, an' the captain gae him an awfu' crack below the knee wi' the ba'. "How's that?" he yowled at Sandy. "Man, I believe that's fell sair," says Sandy, rubbin' the swalled side o' his heid. A' the loons startit to the lauchin', an' the captain roars again, "Ay, but how is't?"

She urged them on and they advanced like corks bobbing on ripples of light. Three moved slowly toward Grim Hagen's machine. A fourth faltered and fell back. The Kalis were no longer screaming their frightful song. The purr of victory was gone. Instead they yowled a savage, tormented scream as though they had been cornered by an enemy they could not understand.

I've seen your eyes, with a greenish glint; You move with a feline grace; And when you are pleased I catch the hint Of a purr in your throat and face. Then I wonder if you are dreaming, too, Of temples along the Nile, Where you yowled and howled, and loved and prowled, With many a sensuous wile, And borrowed the grace you own today From that other life in the far-away; And if such dreams beguile.

A black, tar-papered shack went scudding past, lodged upon a ridge where the water was shallower, and sat there swaying drunkenly. Upon it a great yellow cat clung and yowled his fear. "That's old Dutch Henry's house," Park shouted above the roar. "I'll bet he's cussing things blue on some pinnacle up there." He laughed at the picture his imagination conjured, and rode out into the swirl.

One of the horrible creatures even with apelike agility sprang up into the guy ropes of the bridge, clung there, and discharged an arrow from its bamboo blow-gun, chattering with rage. Stern, running but the faster, plugged him with a forty-four. The Anthropoid, still clinging, yowled hideously, then all at once dropped off and vanished in the depths.

Anyhow, he jumped up and down and sideways, and he whirled around, and he howled and he yowled and he jowled, and then Brighteyes called: "Come on, Jennie, now is our chance. We can get away before he sees us!" So they ran away, taking all the apples they could carry, and the fox couldn't see for ever so long, for he couldn't get his eyes open.

He informed the public that when he met an immense dog in strolling round the ruins above Monte Moro, he stooped till his chin nearly touched his knee and looked the animal full in the face, "and, as John Leyden says, in the noblest ballad which the Land of Heather has produced: 'The hound he yowled, and back he fled, As struck with fairy charm."

I proceeded for a considerable way by the eastern wall, till I heard a tremendous bark, and presently an immense dog, such as those which guard the flocks in the neighbourhood against the wolves, came bounding to attack me 'with eyes that glowed, and fangs that grinned. Had I retreated, or had recourse to any other mode of defence than that which I invariably practise under such circumstances, he would probably have worried me; but I stooped till my chin nearly touched my knee, and looked him full in the eyes, and, as John Leyden says, in the noblest ballad which the Land of Heather has produced: 'The hound lie yowled, and back he fled, As struck with fairy charm.

Doors banged somewhere; the elevated trains roared intermittently; a cat yowled miserably upon a back fence. And he breathed the breath of the house a dank savour rather than a smell a cold, musty effluvium as from underground vaults mingled with the reeking exhalations of linoleum and mildewed and rotten woodwork.