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Updated: August 2, 2024

As all these things began slowly to fit themselves together, men commenced to look grave, and to avoid the subject in the presence of their woman-kind, who were one and all unswerving in their loyalty to that dear, delightful Bernard Maddison, who had written those exquisite books.

The woman-kind followed, pulling their traineau with difficulty over the roughnesses of the landing place; while husband and sons looked on tranquilly, and smoked 'kinne-kanik' in short stone pipes.

Though a mere stripling, Cherubino is already a budding voluptuary, animated with a wish, something like that of Byron's hero, that all woman-kind had but a single mouth and he the privilege of kissing it. He adores the Countess; but not her alone. Susanna has a ribbon in her hand with which, she tells him, she binds up her mistress's tresses at night. Happy Susanna! Happy ribbon!

But, Sir, perhaps you do not guess the Lady. Bel. Or cou'd I, Sir, it cou'd not change my Nature. Lord. But, Sir, suppose it be my Niece Diana. Bel. How, Sir, the fair Diana! Lord. I thought thou'dst come about again; What think you now of Woman-kind, and Wedlock? Bel. As I did before, my Lord. Lord.

"Don'ts" were quite useless and I could think of nothing else to say except "Compose yourself" and that, somehow or other, was too ridiculously reminiscent of Mr. Pickwick and Mrs. Bardell. It was an idiotic situation for me to be in. Some men men of experience with woman-kind might have known how to handle it, but I had had no such experience.

He did not understand that the unspoken passionate claim he made on one woman had broken the barriers between him and woman-kind, that because he loved Patricia Connell he could speak to Constantia Wyatt, for they stood together on holy ground. "You have every right. You helped me after all," he said doubtfully, but smiling "I ought not to have hesitated.

You, reared in an atmosphere where all men infinitely respect woman-kind, deliberately outrage every finer feeling of the one woman you have professed to love. That, Richard Morton, is very nearly all that I have to say to you.

Nay, prithee speak, Indeed I shall not be offended at it. Alcan. I know not why you should, Sir; She's where she ought, abed with young Alcippus. Phi. Thou speak'st thy real Thoughts. Alcan. Why should your Highness doubt it? Phi. By Heaven, there is no faith in Woman-kind; Alcander, dost thou know an honest Woman? Alcan. Many, Sir. Phi.

The recent victories all along the line of women over men in examination-rooms, and their more or less successful ventures in the fields of law, medicine, and newspaper enterprise, would be more appalling to man and encouraging to the progressionists, but for the obstinate though obvious adhesion of the great mass of woman-kind to the trick bequeathed to them by their great-great-grandmothers of trying to look as well as they can.

He has large estates in one of the healthiest and most beautiful parts; he has a palace, and more money than he knows what to do with but it seems that he's not my son-in-law. I could do with Italy very well but that doesn't enter into anyone's calculations. No! let the worn-out old soldier sell boot-laces on the kerb! That's the spirit of woman-kind.

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