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"And Jeb said he had the horses ready for you girls as soon as you wanted to try them out," added Mr. Brewster. Dinner was dispatched hastily after this announcement, and the girls ran to don their habits. All idea of Barbara's wiring for return-ticket money that day was forgotten as they went gayly towards the corral to try out different horses.

It was evidently the intention of the enemy, who cut these wires, that the Antinous should go to sea before the defect was discovered, and that her fire control should be out of action till the wiring system could be repaired.

Then he got some putty and puttied up the hole, forcing the putty into the crack with his thumbs. Then the wire was brought in through the sash and Charley began wiring up his instruments. But it had taken half an hour to accomplish what five minutes of patience would have done. Charley was utterly disgusted with the ranger's show of temper.

It is so small, and the wiring so fine that it will not be noticed if it is done correctly. Here, Burke. I will do it now to this loose dictagraph receiver. Watch me." The old man worked swiftly. Burke scrutinized each move, and nodded in understanding. "Be careful to cover the wire along the floor with a rug he must never be allowed to see that, you know.

During the stay at Neuvillette a demonstration in improvised pack saddlery was arranged at Battalion Headquarters, the latest and most disputed methods of wiring and trench-digging were rehearsed, and two really valuable Brigade field days took place. More than a year afterwards the Battalion was again billeted at Neuvillette, whose inhabitants remembered and warmly welcomed the Red Circle.

If the machine is wired with light and poorly insulated wire, it is but a question of time when the wiring must be done over again. When we pulled up in Batavia at an electrician's for repairs, the Professor was a sight and also tired. The good man had floundered about in the mud until he was picturesquely covered. At the outset he was disposed to take all difficulties philosophically.

She dropped a lump of sugar into her coffee-cup and read his hurried scrawl: "What do you think has happened now? I have fourteen dollars' worth of telegrams from Sanderson wiring from some God-forsaken hole in Montana, that it's all rot about Armitage being that fake Baron von Kissel. Where, may I ask, does this leave me? And what cad gave that story to the papers?

His head wasn't working and his eyes kept seeing gray fog. Why, he knew this gadget by heart! He'd practically built most of it, and he'd checked it out half a dozen times. Something was wrong inside the control box, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He checked carefully, tracing the wiring with blurred eyes. Then, in a moment of clarity, he saw it!

He handed the paper to Lord Whittinghame as he spoke. The Imperial message read: "Happy to meet deputation. Please carry German flag, which will secure you from molestation en route. I am wiring orders for suspension of hostilities till dawn to-morrow. I hope we may make satisfactory arrangements. "That is quite satisfactory," said Lord Whittinghame to the captain of Uhlans.

"Do you know if any gent of that name lives here, guvnor?" asked the boy, holding out the buff-colored envelope. Beecot, to his surprise, saw his own name. "Who can be wiring to me?" he said, taking the telegram. "Wait, boy, there may be an answer," and he skimmed through the lines. "Don't sell the brooch, but send it back," read Paul, puzzled, "your father angry.