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Updated: August 15, 2024

The afternoon was a sultry one; in that first bottom of the Platte there was scarcely a breath of air, and collars wilted limp as rags. Neither map nor chart graced the unplastered walls, the unpainted furniture of the room was sadly in need of repair, while a musty odor permeated the room.

I hope I'm five hundred miles away about then." Koppy, struggling with anger and scorn, frowned on the would-be humourist, who hastily grinned. "Course you know it's only a joke of mine, Koppy." "Better so," returned the leader coldly. "Many Indians about?" He was searching Werner's eyes. "You saw or smelt them." Werner wilted under that stare.

"It's for yore good, Miss Beatrice," stammered the villain who had brought her. "We we I I done brought you here to travel home with us." "You what?" Before her slender, outraged dignity Johnnie wilted. "Kitty, she she can chaperoon you. It's all right, ma'am. I we I didn't go for to do nothin' that wasn't proper. We thought "

"Lock the door, Hiram!" begged Heine Schultz. "It's all over but closin' up." Hiram shook his head, and then Drummond wilted and sank in the sand. Water was quickly provided, and the pulse of Jerkline Jo leaped as she saw that Hiram himself was taking the most prominent part in the whipped man's revival.

Will you marry me? I can protect you from this hulking brute. If it's to be a show-down between you and me," he flared at Lund, still gazing as if stupefied, "let it come now. Peggy?" The girl, tears on her cheeks that were born from the sobs of anger that had shaken her, swung on him. "You?" she said, and Rainey wilted under the scorn in her voice. "Marry you?"

Mrs. Shafto had excused herself, declaring that "her feelings would not endure the strain of a public leave-taking." She wore her best hat a conspicuous affair with enormous green wings a somewhat murky white fur, and carried a presentation bunch of wilted flowers. The new arrival, chattering like a magpie, took immediate possession of her cousin, snatched her away from poor Mrs.

Finally he ventured to lift a wilted and fragile hand and looked at it. It was not white; but it was unsteady as a laurel leaf beside a waterfall. After a moment's rest from the exertion he parted his lips to speak, but a whisper faint as the sound of the air in the shrubs issued from them. He listened but there was no answer.

He stood at the new grave's foot, sank to one knee, wiped true tears from his eyes, pressed apart the evergreens and chrysanthemums piled there, and laid in the midst his own bruised and wilted offering of lilies. As he reached the graveyard gate in departing his mood lightened. "An' now gen'lemen," he said to himself, "is come to pa-ass the ve-y nick an' keno o' time faw a fresh staht.

And how disconsolate looked the good seed, thus unexpectedly delivered from its sheltering tares, and laid open to a broiling July sun! Every juvenile beet and carrot lay flat down, wilted and drooping, as if, like me, they had been weeding, instead of being weeded. "This weeding is quite a serious matter," said I to my wife; "the fact is, I must have help about it!"

As the sound of the furious voice stopped short, there fell a stricken silence upon these three men. Old Carson Tinker's gaze drifted downward from his employer's face. He sat, then, gazing into the rosy little fire until something upon the lapel of his coat caught his attention a wilted and disreputable carnation. He threw it into the fire; and, with a sombre satisfaction, watched it sizzle.

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