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Updated: August 29, 2024

Now on my life this boy does sing as like the boy at the Whitefryers as ever I heard: how say you Captain? Suc. I, and the Musicks like theires: come, Sirra, whoes your Poett? Crac. Some mad wag, I warrant him: is this a new song? Mus. Tis the first edition, sir: none else but we had ever coppie of it. Suc. But you wilbe intreated to let a gent have it? Mus.

In this thing consisteth all the industrie of the warre on the lande, whiche is the most necessarie, and the most honorablest, for he that can wel order a fielde against the enemie, the other faultes that he should make in the affaires of warre, wilbe borne with: but he that lacketh this knowledge, although that in other particulars he be verie good, he shal never bring a warre to honor: for as muche as a fielde that thou winnest, lesing? img 94 doeth cancell all other thy evill actes: so like wise lesing it, all thinges well done of thee before, remaine vaine.

Is he come? Sis. Sir, do me but one favour, ile recant My Love, I wonot have so much as one Good thought on you; I will neglect you, sir, Nay and abuse you, too, if you obscure But for three minutes. Cou. Ile have patience so long. Sis. Admitt him. I wilbe reveng'd o' somebody. Now, Sir. Enter Device. De. I ha brought you a weapon, Lady. La. Mee, what to do, Sir? De. Sis. My honour? De.

I can hold no longer; I shall rise in wroth against him. Crac. Dee heare, Uncle? you must furnish him; he wilbe irefull presently, and then a whole bagg will not satisfie him; heele eate your gold in anger and drinke silver in great sack glasses. Sir Geff. Pox o'this Congee; 't shalbe thus, no thus; That writhing of my body does become me Infinitly.

The world, we doe acknowledge, cannot boast More resolution then the English hearts Seasond for action. Ten. Francisco Bustamente, how is the Castle? what strength? Bust. A fort impregnable, wanting neyther soldiers nor munition. Ten. Well, looke to't. Fer. How ere That wilbe necessary; the fort lyes in The mouth of danger, and it will become You to discharge that duty, Bustamente. Bust.

The better part of all the christian world Marks our proceedings, and it wilbe said, Yf having the Conspirators in our powre We sentence none of them, being convincd, too, Of fowre and thirtie Articles and each treason, 'Tis don for feare.

Sister, I present this gentleman; observe and cherish him; he has been i'th Universitie. Sis. Any degree, Sir? Co. Onely Bachelour, forsooth! Ri. If he winne you to marriage, Lady quicksilver Sis. He wilbe Master of his Art. Ri. My vote is for him. De. I like not the induction of this rivall. Ri. He studies now the law, And thats the high way to preferment, Sister. Sis.

Bot if it will pleas yor Lordship to be acquent wt the causis and incidentis preceidding this dolorous effect, I hoip yor Lordship wilbe the mair easilie persuadit of the treuth.

There will be charges savd then; for my part I am but one, and there are shotts enough. Sol. 2. More by a score then I hope wilbe payd these two dayes. Pike. Talke not of paying: here's more then a month comes to. Well, if our service be done, & there be any other liquor to be gott, wele drinke no salt water as long as this lasts. Sol. 2.

That my husband on Friday night last when I came to prison told me that now thou hast confest against thyself let me alone and say nothing of me and I wilbe good unto thy children.

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