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Even a last flickering doubt was set at rest; for examination satisfied the mate that every cartridge was a live one. "Reg'lar bloomin' fairy tale, I calls it, sir," whispered Bill Blunt hoarsely. "Too good to be true, be dummed if 't ain't. Here's weepins, an' powder an' shot, all sammee navy style, and ther' ain't a bloomin' paint pot in th' hull shebang! I be awake, ain't I, sir?"

Now, ef he'd built it on a mountain, with a steep fall-off on every side, thar wouldn't hev been enough Greeks in all the earth to take it, considerin' the miserable weepins they used in them times. Why, Hector could hev set tight on the walls, laughin' at 'em, 'stead o' goin' out in the plain an' gittin' killed by A-killus, fur which I've always been sorry."

An' when I come shore enough, I'll fetch improved weepins. I ain't quite in my official capacity now." "Yo' app'intment has teached you big words." "Yes," said Peters, tapping the barrel of the pistol, "as big as the slug this thing is loaded with. My daddy told me that this here slug went through his brother's heart an' was buried in a tree. It was dug out an' now it's here in this pistol ag'in.

Th' rayciption that this here sintimint has rayceived fr'm ivry wan that has a son in colledge is almost tumulchuse. We feel like a long-lost brother that's been settin' outside in th' cold f'r a week, an' is now ast in to supper an' sarched at th' dure f'r deadly weepins. We'll have to set up sthraight an' mind our manners.

A shout of approval arose from the soldiers, but Long Jim cried out: "It ain't fair! It ain't right to take one uv your kind uv weepins an' attack him! It's murder! Let me loose an' I'll fight you with rifles." "Have you got that ruffian securely bound?" asked Alvarez. "Yes," replied one of his men. "Then I'll teach this youth a lesson, as I said."

A shaft of moonlight fell across the blade, and showed the keen edge. "They're such fine weepins they must hev belonged to that thar Spanish commander hisself," he said. "After all, a thing like this mightn't be bad when you come to it right close. Mebbe Paul could handle it. You know Mr. Pennypacker used to teach him how to swing the sword. This is how it goes: Ah, ha! Sa ha! touched you thar!

"It's murder, I say, fur a man used to them weepins to set upon a boy." "Shall we gag this fellow, Captain?" asked Braxton Wyatt, who enjoyed the scene. "No," replied Alvarez, scornfully. "Let him make as much noise as he pleases." Paul heard Long Jim's second protest, but now he did not answer. He was intently watching Alvarez.

If he'd come in, ye'd be hearin' that James Haitch Aggynaldoo 'd been appointed foorth-class postmasther at Hootchey-Kootchey; but now th' nex' ye know iv him 'll be on th' blotther at th' polis station: 'James Haitch Aggynaldoo, alias Pompydoor Jim, charged with carryin' concealed weepins an' ray-sistin' an officer. Pathriteism always dies when ye establish a polis foorce." "Well," said Mr.