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And as his head moved as he uttered these words, the horrible tuft at the end of his nightcap waggled as an accompaniment. "No," I said to myself, "it is impossible for my husband to appear in such a fashion; let me banish this image and yet my father wears the hideous things, and my brother, who is quite young, has them already.

The Princesses walked with the ladies and I walked with an elderly Prince, with a jolly and kindly wrinkled face it felt so very odd to be walking in Western modern garments beside this very old-world costume; his wings touched my shoulder, and the vane of his pagoda-spired crown or hat waggled above my head.

It was not teeth which were in that head, but hooks and fangs and prongs. Dreadful was that mouth to look at, terrible to look into, woeful to think about; and from it, or from the broad, loose nose that waggled above it, there came a sound which no word of man could describe, for it was not a snarl, nor was it a howl, although it was both of these.

He did not want it at all in fact, he got quite angry with it, and shook himself free; but that pole only waggled about, and stuck into him again, and at last he seized it with his claws, and the more it shook, the tighter he held on, and he did not know that that was just what the man who was bending over the pool wanted.

He, too, looked at her as she came closer, offering her paper to Alladiah Khan, a man impatient in his religion, who refused it, mumbling in his beard. With a gesture of appeal she pressed it on him, saying something. Then Alladiah's green turban shook, his beard, dyed red in Mecca, waggled; he raised his arm, and Laura, in white astonishment, darted from under it. They seldom did that.

Otherwise our first recollection would doubtless be of the grimly flushed large face of a resolute parent, bending hotly downward in effort to make both ends meet while we wambled and waggled in innocent, maddening sport. No wonder the antique schoolmen used to enjoy computing the number of angels that might dance on the point of a pin.

Adams did not fulfil the prediction quite literally when Alice paid a brief visit to his room to "show" him and bid him good-night; but he chuckled feebly. "Well, well, well!" he said. "You look mighty fine MIGHTY fine!" And he waggled a bony finger at her two bouquets. "Why, Alice, who's your beau?" "Never you mind!" she laughed, archly brushing his nose with the violets in her hand.

This when Nettie had gone out from two to four, between fittings. He chuckled and waggled his head. "I expect to be paid regular assistant's wages for this," he said. "I guess you don't need any wages, Mr. Minick," the woman said. "I guess you're pretty well fixed." "Oh, well, I can't complain." "Complain! I should say not! If I was to complain it'd be different.

The jolliest looking of all the warriors came thereafter, with a dwarfish body and very short legs; he had a huge black-bearded head, a flat nose, and his tongue hung from his mouth and waggled as he moved. He wore a belt and a necklace, and nothing else whatever except the plumes of the hawk arranged as a head-dress: and he rode upon a great sleek tortoise-shell cat.

"You come to Coldriver on business, didn't you? Money business?" "Why I came is my own affair." "Certain.... Certain.... But things gets noised about. Things has got noised about concernin' a paper that stands betwixt you and half of the Beatty estate. Heard 'em myself." Scattergood waggled the envelope.