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Don't like the idea of soda-fountain cures. You've a little sunstroke, I think." "No, no, Mr. Visigoth. Why, I've hardly ever had a doctor in my life! The drug store will " "One, two, three march!" "Please!" "March! Got money? Good! I'll have a smoke in the cab. If he's not in, then I'll drive you around to our house doctor." He was in.

The other fellows, who lay in the bottom of the boat and groaned, I've never met. Don't want to. Shouldn't be civil to 'em if I did. And that's how the Visigoth went down, for no assignable reason, with eighty bags of mail, five hundred souls, and not a single packet insured, on just such a night as this.

What really made the difference between the fate of Britain and that of the rest of the Roman world was the stubborn courage of the British themselves. In all the world-wide struggle between Rome and the German peoples no land was so stubbornly fought for or so hardly won. In Gaul no native resistance met Frank or Visigoth save from the brave peasants of Britanny and Auvergne.

Most of the Visigoth towers that are still erect are seated upon Roman sub- structions which appear to have been formed hastily, probably at the moment of the Frankish invasion.

With the Cid in Valencia, with Alfonso VI. marching a victorious army through the Moslem territory, and with Toledo, the city of the ancient Visigoth Kings, repossessed, it looked as if, after almost four hundred years, the Christians were about to recover their land. The Moors, thoroughly frightened, realizing how helpless they had grown, resolved upon a desperate measure.

As early as the Visigoth period, Catalonia had been united to Southern France; in the case of this province the tie was further strengthened by community of language. On the western side of the Pyrenees a steady stream of pilgrims entered the Spanish peninsula on their way to the shrine of St James of Compostella in Galicia; this road was, indeed, known in Spain as the "French road."

How far are we now from the minds that bred these thoughts when Southern Gaul was struggling to develop a new Roman art by the aid of such traditions and models as the Visigoth, the Frank, and the Arab had not destroyed in the country, and such ideas as were brought along the Mediterranean from Byzantium!

She was probably still down on the books as stenographer, although at fifty dollars a week now, and it was six years since she had taken a letter. It was a gray day in cold and tardy spring when Bruce Visigoth sent for her one of those heavy afternoons that darken up at four o'clock and press thick as gravy against the windows.

In the glaring pallor Bruce Visigoth was suddenly at her side, his felt hat bunched up in his hand and his hair wet-looking, as if drenched with perspiration. "I couldn't let you go without apologizing, Mrs. Penny." She smiled with lips that would pull to the nervous impulse to cry. "The idea!" she said, feeling the words tawdry and provincial as they came.

With this event, the name Castilian comes into Spanish history, and from thenceforth that name represents all that is proudest, bravest, and most characteristic of the part of the race which traces a direct lineage from the ancient Visigoth Kings. Alfonso had not misjudged his opportunity. He had traversed Spain with his army, and bathed in the ocean in sight of the "Pillars of Hercules."