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The result was that while Mrs. Cresswell was giving large and brilliant parties to the whole Southern contingent, Mrs. Vanderpool was engineering exclusive dinners where old New York met stately Charleston and gossiped interestingly. On such occasions it was hinted not once, but many times, that the Cresswells were well enough, but who was that upstart wife who presumed to take social precedence?

The dislocation was reduced and held by adhesive strips, and the man made a good recovery. Vanderpool of Bellevue Hospital, N.Y., describes a fracture of the odontoid process caused by a fall on the back of the head; death, however, did not ensue until six months later.

It would be shipped at the earliest convenience, but it could hardly catch the necessary boat. Helen had a good cry, and then came a wild rush to get John Taylor's cloth ready. Still, Helen was querulous. She decided that silk embroidery must embellish the skirt. The dressmaker was in despair. "I haven't a single spare worker," she declared. Helen was appealing to Mrs. Vanderpool.

Come with me, friend John, and you shall help me deck the room with my garlic, which is all the way from Haarlem, where my friend Vanderpool raise herb in his glass houses all the year. I had to telegraph yesterday, or they would not have been here." We went into the room, taking the flowers with us.

"Have you hired a maid?" asked Helen. "I've engaged Zora," laughed Mrs. Vanderpool, lightly; "and now I'm wondering whether I have a jewel or a white elephant." "Probably neither," remarked Harry Cresswell, drily; but he avoided the lady's inquiring eyes. Next morning Zora came easily into Mrs. Vanderpool's life.

She stopped on her way to the door to admire a bronze statuette and find time to think. "You are interested in bronzes?" asked Mrs. Vanderpool. "Oh, no; I'm far too poor. But I've dabbled a bit in sculpture." "Indeed?" Mrs. Vanderpool revealed a mild interest, and Miss Wynn was compelled to depart with little enlightenment.

With startled eyes she caught the impudent headlines: VANDERPOOL DROPPED Senate Refuses to Confirm Todd Insurgents Muster Enough Votes to Defeat Confirmation of President's Nominee Rumored Revenge for Machine's Defeat of Child Labor Bill Amendment. The paper trembled in her jewelled hands. She glanced down the column. "Todd asks: Who is Vanderpool, anyhow? What did he ever do?

So they talked on, unknowing that far up the road the Cresswell coaches were wheeling along with precious burdens. In the first carriage were Mrs. Grey and Mrs. Vanderpool, Mr. Cresswell and Miss Taylor. Mrs. Vanderpool was lolling luxuriously, but Mrs. Grey was a little stiff from long travel and sat upright. Mr.

Lights shone from the draped windows of this mansion and from its portals issued none other than Muriel Mercer, who, as Vera Vanderpool, freed at last from the blight of Broadway, was leaving her palatial home to cast her lot finally with the ardent young tenement worker with the high forehead.

"Everybody is going, going," she murmured. "I wonder where. Don't they ever get there?" "Few arrive," said Mrs. Vanderpool. Zora softly bent and passed her cool soft hand over her forehead. "Then why do they go?" "The zest of the search, perhaps." "No," said Zora as she noiselessly left the room and closed the door; "no, they are searching for something they have lost.