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Updated: August 21, 2024

Upon beholding his master's unlover-like concession to appetite, he remarked sullenly, "Verily, either his courage failed, and he did not submit a proposal, or she has rejected him." "My Lord Duke," the Emperor's brother replied, somewhat stung, "dost thou believe it in woman to refuse such an honor?" "Sir," the Duke retorted, "women who go about unveiled are above or below judgment."

I had listened with bewilderment and doubt to the expositions of my Pandit on this very head. Her simple words seemed for a moment the echo of his deep and searching thought. Yet it surely could not be. Impossible. "Never. What does it mean?" She raised clear unveiled eyes. "You must forgive me for being so stupid, but it is my mother who is at home with all these scientific phrases.

Mankind would die of excitement if the dawn were unveiled to them like this suddenly every morning!" She released the veil hurriedly, but before it fell he put out a hand, caught it and tossed it back over her head. "Be consistent with your part," he said, still smiling. "No man ever saw day cancel her dawn and live." It was pleasant, this sweet possession and command.

But the Rose King did not hear it; he sat in the raw, cold weather, and sighed: "Past! past!" And the swine were lords in the forest, and the mother sow looked at her little pig, and his curly tail. "There will always be some, who have a sense for the beautiful!" said the mother sow. Nature's treasures are most often unveiled to us by accident.

"A survival of barbarism," said I. "What is the veil but a relic of marriage by barter, when the man bought a pig in a poke and never knew his luck till he unveiled his bride? What is the ring but the symbol of the fetters of slavery? The rice, but the expression of a hope for a prolific union? The satin slipper tied on to the carriage or thrown after it? Good luck? No such thing.

Now that time has unveiled to us many mysteries, now that we have learned from Philip's own lips and those of his accomplices the exact manner in which Montigny and Escovedo were put to death, the world will hardly be very charitable with regard to other imputations. It was vehemently suspected that Don John had been murdered by the command of Philip; but no such fact was ever proved.

I remember the intelligent detachment of my sudden interest. I turned sharply, and stood looking at the moon and the great white comet, that the drift of the clouds had now rather suddenly unveiled. The comet was perhaps twenty degrees from the moon. What a wonderful thing it looked floating there, a greenish-white apparition in the dark blue deeps!

Well, one day before this statue was unveiled a plain little honest fool of a U.S. Treasury agent got onto the old man's curves and the Government brought suit for a part of what he had stolen. Old William Crookes paid into the Treasury the neat sum of one million and compromised the case. Some of his modern imitators with their false weights and scales haven't been so wise."

In September, Schmalz, in Berlin, unveiled the presumed revolutionary intrigues of the Tugendbund and declared "the unity of Germany is something to which the spirit of every nation in Germany has ever been antipathetic."

Still he answered not, whereat she was angered and putting her hand to his bosom, found no breasts and would have unveiled him, that she might know who he was; but he said to her, "O my lady, I am thy slave and cast myself on thy protection; do thou protect me." "No harm shall come to thee," said she; "but tell me who thou art and who brought thee into this my lodging."

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