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Jack was just in time to cut the tow-rope, and with a long pole to shove off, before, the vessel's stern lifting high in the air, she went down bows foremost. Then, getting out the paddles, they paddled away quickly to avoid being drawn down in the vortex. "Well, we are unlucky!" cried old Grim, as he saw the vessel go down. "I think rather we are very fortunate," said Bill.

Yet she dispensed her favors with such tactful impartiality and with such innocent enjoyment free from any suspicion of coquetry that there were no heartburnings, and the unlucky man who nourished a fancied slight would have been laughed at by his fellows.

He laid it down as a rule: "Employ only one medicine at a time in all your cases and note its effects carefully." He was as wise with regard to medical ethics as therapeutics. He advised a young physician, "Never speak unfavorably of other physicians. Every one of us has his lucky and unlucky hours."

It was impossible to help laughing at him, but Potts took the merriment in good part; and, to show he was not disheartened by the misadventure, as soon as circumstances would permit he mounted the unlucky pony, and the cavalcade set forward again.

Bhaer, with a sharp rap on his desk, as he looked sternly toward the corner whence the sound came. Ned, Jack, and Emil sat there, and the first two looked ashamed of themselves, but Emil called out, "It wasn't me, uncle! I'd be ashamed to hit a fellow when he is down." "Good for you!" cried Tommy, who was in a sad state of affliction at the trouble his unlucky dollar had made.

We'll stand them off. Then if they can take us, let 'em. You make a coward of me a dastard. You've no right to. I'd rather die." "Listen," she chided, her hand grasping my sleeve. "They would take me anyway don't you see? After they had killed you. It would be the worse for both of us. What can you do, with one arm, and a revolver, and an unlucky woman? No, Mr.

You will not, I think, suspect me of attaching any consequence to my scribblings from vanity; and if I run some personal risk in keeping them, it is because the situation of this country is so singular, and the events which occur almost daily so important, that the remarks of any one who is unlucky enough to be a spectator, may interest, without the advantage of literary talents. Yours.

"It's unlucky to pass people on the stairs. Don't you know that?" He descended again as she bade him, laughing as he did so, and waited until she had come down. "Mother's much better now," she said when she had reached his side. "She's coming down to dinner." "I'm awfully glad," he replied. He hesitated for a second or two, standing with one foot on the last step of the stairs.

Let's go over and see how many there are." "Eight," announced the corporal, as he counted the prisoners who stood in a group sullen and morose. "There must have been a baker's dozen in the party." "I don't know how superstitious they may be," chuckled Billy, "but I'll bet that from now on they'll agree that thirteen is an unlucky number!"

With equal justice, he declared it to be an offence against the religious respect due to ambassadors, whose persons and property were sacred in foreign countries. "Decency required the States," he said, "to send the document back to him, instead of showing it as a trophy, and he was ready to die of shame and vexation at the unlucky incident."