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"Mme. la Marquise de Bruyeres!" cried Leander, astonished to the highest degree, and not a little agitated, as the remembrance of his last, and first, attempt to meet her, and what he had found in her place, rushed back upon him; "can it be possible? am I dreaming? or may I dare to believe in such unhoped-for, transcendent happiness?"

I thought that I might come here every morning to draw water at the same time as you, so as to say good morning to you without anyone suspecting it." She smiled innocently, as though well pleased with her device, and ended by saying: "But I did not imagine we should see each other in the water." It was, in fact, this unhoped-for pleasure which so delighted them.

She counted over the spare contents of her purse, and calculated that, after all, she would have enough to buy the necktie; and she had all her presents to exhibit; the ball-dress, that unhoped-for acquisition; the Venetian beads; the bracelet, "Which is really good good gold; fancy!" said Ursula to herself, weighing it in her hand. How Janey would be interested, how she would be dazzled!

The noble and high-minded d'Esgrignon was fain to be content with the triumph of the Monarchy and Religion, while he waited for the results of that unhoped-for, indecisive victory, which proved to be simply an armistice. He continued as before, lord-paramount of his salon, so felicitously named the Collection of Antiquities.

Through the interest of the famous lieutenant-general made marshal of France six months before his death this quill-driver had risen to unhoped-for dignity as head-clerk of his office; but just as he was to be promoted to be deputy-chief, the marshal's death had cut off Marneffe's ambitions and his wife's at the root.

"And how does all this concern Mademoiselle de La Bastie?" asked the count. "Monsieur, I love her; and I have the unhoped-for happiness of being loved by her. Hear me, monsieur," cried Ernest, checking a violent movement on the part of the angry father.

The arrival of this vessel with its unhoped-for good news, after the recent disasters of Euboea, and in the revolution at Athens, gave fresh courage to the Athenians, and caused them to believe that if they put their shoulders to the wheel their cause might yet prevail.

So far as the question of a future abode was concerned both of them were incapacitated for a week. The matter eventually worked itself out with unhoped-for romance. Anthony ran into the living room one afternoon fairly radiating "the idea." "I've got it," he was exclaiming as though he had just caught a mouse. "We'll get a car." "Gee whiz! Haven't we got troubles enough taking care of ourselves?"

My dear, your poor father and I trained you up to be a clergyman," said Mrs Proctor, rather pathetically, "and not to be a Fellow of All-Souls." The Rector groaned. Had it not been advancement, progress, unhoped-for good fortune, that made him a member of that learned corporation? He shook his head. Nothing could change the fact now.

Obliged to content himself as best he might with this meager assurance, the manager, at his wit's end, had accompanied the party whose way had led them in the direction the carriage had taken, and whose final destination an unhoped-for consummation! had proved the ultimate goal of his own desires.