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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Why, eh, y' yass'm. Oh, yass'm, ef you say so, my mistress; howsomever, you know what de good book say' 'bout de Ethiopium." "Can't change yes, I know; but this would be only for an hour or two and in the dark." "It'd have to be pow'ful dahk," sighed Euonymus, and from Robelia's sunbonnet came "Unh!" Rebecca interposed: "An' still, o' co'se, we all gwine do ezac'ly what you say."

The man confined his vocal expressions to his odd ghroogh-ghroogh-ing; the woman twittered joyfully. Gofredo put a hand on the woman's shoulder, pointed to the man and from him back to her. "Unh?" he inquired. The woman put a hand on the man's head, then brought it down to within a foot of the ground.

I've got a noospaper, an' only four weeks' old, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer." "Has the United States and Spain " "Not so fast, not so fast!" The long Yankee waved his arms for silence, cutting off Frona's question which was following fast on that of Corliss. "But have you read it?" they both demanded. "Unh huh, every line, advertisements an' all." "Then do tell me," Frona began. "Has "

But ez I was saying there'll be a lively stampede fer the Outside soon as the river freezes." "Think so?" "Unh huh." "Then I'm glad to hear it. It's what the country needs. Going to join them?" "Not in a thousand years." Dave Harney threw his head back with smug complacency. "Freighted my truck up to the mine yesterday. Wa'n't a bit too soon about it, either.

An' have ye niver drifted along, the water clear as glass, whin suddin, belike a cloud over the sun, the mushy-ice comes bubblin' up an' up till from bank to bank an' bind to bind it's drapin' the river like a first snowfall? 'Unh, hunh! more'n once when I took a doze at the steering-oar.

"Stand not upon the order of your mogging, but mog at once eeeunh! unh!" she grunted; and I turned otter instantly and took to the lake, diving as soon as the depth allowed and swimming under water to escape the old fury's attention. There was little need of fine tactics, however, as I found out when my head appeared again cautiously.

He had seen the man again and knew it was no fish Unh! unh! eeeeeunh-unh! he grunted, with a twisting, jerky wriggle of his neck and shoulders at the last squeal, as if he felt me already beneath his hoofs. But before he reached the point I had stuffed my flannel shirt into the hole in the canoe and was safely afloat once more.

When you'd speak to him, he'd say, 'Unh' a style of thing that didn't go well in that part of the country. I kept my mouth shut, as knowing that I didn't have the come-up-with weighed on my spirits; but Aggy gave him the jolly. He only meant it in fun, and there was plenty of reason for it, too, for you never seen such a game of driving as that feller put up in all your life. The Lord save us!

'How did she end out? says Zavanna. 'Agin ye for eight hundred, says the Squire. 'Pretty expensive, Zav! Zavanna tucked a spill of whisker between his lips and chewed on it and rocked for a little while. 'Unh huh! says he, figuring it over. And then he spoke up cheerful: 'Well, Squire, I reckon there's that much difference between the two women." Wasgatt chuckled.

I swam quickly to the shore and splashed and shouted and then ran away to attract the bull's attention. He came after me on the instant unh! unh! chock, chockety-chock! till he was close enough for discomfort, when I took to water again. The bull followed, deeper and deeper, till his sides were awash. The bottom was muddy and he trod gingerly; but there was no fear of his swimming after me.

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