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He looked at her affectionately; one could see that she was his darling. Outwardly they were very unlike. She greeted Pelle with the tiniest nod, but looked at him earnestly. There was something still and gracious about her that fascinated him. She wore dark clothes, without the slightest adornment, but they were of good sound stuff. "Won't you change?" asked the mother, unbuttoning her cloak.

All this was to be repeated to every succeeding visitor; for such as had already seen these wonders insisted on their friends seeing the same; and in this manner I was employed, dressing and undressing, buttoning and unbuttoning, from noon till night.

"So saying she deliberately pulled up her skirts above her navel, and seating herself on the ground, stretched her thighs open to the widest extent, giving us a full view of her hidden charms. She then pulled me to her, and unbuttoning my trousers, released my staff and began to kiss and embrace it, titillating the head of it with her tongue.

"You must bare your breast over your heart and lungs," he said; and while Thorndyke was unbuttoning his shirt, he and the medical man went to the door and brought into the room a great golden bell hanging in a metallic frame.

My old friend, Marshal Cogswell, was speaking of it the other day. I assume that in advance you purchased stock in the firms which manufacture such craft, major. They must be booming." Joe grimaced wryly. "No, sir. I wasn't smart enough to think of that. Professional soldiers are traditionally stupid. What was the old expression? They can take their shirts off without unbuttoning their collars."

Amory slid down into the chair beside her. "Changed your mind?" "Yes." "That note of your aunt's?" "Yes" He sat back and folded his arms. "I see," he said, and there followed a long silence. The girl began buttoning and unbuttoning her glove. She must go; she was frightened, elated, amused. She did not want to go, but go she must. Would he ever forgive her? "Don't don't hate me!" she said.

"Darling, treat me to Lafitte with lemonade," in accordance with established usage asked Little Manka, unbuttoning her corsage. "Afterwards," austerely answered the pedagogue. "It will all depend upon yourself. And then what sort of Lafitte can you have here? Some muddy brew or other?" "We have good Lafitte," contradicted the girl touchily. "Two roubles a bottle.

His face was the grayish white of the dead; his eyes were glassy; his lips were parted; while the grime of a London fog had left its black marks round his mouth and eyes, giving him an appearance altogether diabolical. He was shaking like a leaf as he stumbled against a chair and suddenly wheeled round to the light. Then, unbuttoning his overcoat quickly, he looked down at his clothes underneath.

"See here!" he cried, in conclusion, unbuttoning his blouse and baring his thin little shoulders. Great red welts lay across them, and one arm was blue with a big mottled bruise. Joyce shivered and closed her eyes an instant to shut out the sight that brought the quick tears of sympathy. "Oh, you poor little thing!" she cried. "I'm going to tell madame." "No, don't!" begged Jules.

Taking out of his pocket two bits of dirty string, he tied his loose cotton trousers tightly around his ankles, and then, unbuttoning his waist-band, he began scooping up the corn-meal from the filthy planks and shoveling it into his baggy breeches.