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It was Tuathal who imposed the special tax on Leinster, of which, we shall often hear under the title of Borooa, or Tribute. Olild, a brave and able Prince, succeeded in time to the southern half-kingdom, and planted his own kindred deep and firm in its soil, though the unity of the monarchy was again restored under Cormac Ulla, or Longbeard.

As I crossed the bridge, the sound of "Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla," ceased. It was, as it were, cut off. The silence came like a thunderclap. The dusky houses about me stood faint and tall and dim; the trees towards the park were growing black. All about me the red weed clambered among the ruins, writhing to get above me in the dimness. Night, the mother of fear and mystery, was coming upon me.

As the yelping died away down the silent road, the wailing sound of "Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla," reasserted itself. I came upon the wrecked handling-machine halfway to St. John's Wood station. At first I thought a house had fallen across the road.

While these cheerful pursuits went on out of doors during the one busy month of spring, a slight shade of sadness was thrown over the household within by the decline of old Ulla. It was hardly sadness; it was little more than gravity; for Ulla herself was glad to go; Peder knew that he should soon follow; and every one else was reconciled to one who had suffered so long going to her rest.

She thought she could do all this in prospect of the day when her grave should be dug beside those of Peder and Ulla, and when her spirit should meet Rolf, and learn at length how he had died, and be assured that he had watched over her as faithfully as she had remembered him.

"Where is Eva?" asked she, with apparent indifference. Ulla started, was red and then pale, and answered hesitatingly, "She is gone out I fancy." "Where is she gone?" asked Elise, suddenly uneasy. "I fancy to the grave of the young master," returned Ulla. "To the grave? so late! Has she gone there for several evenings?" inquired the mother.

This arrangement being agreed to by Sheikh Faiz Ulla, he sent me word that, in order that he might not appear to betray his master, it would be necessary for me next morning to open the fiercest fire possible on his camp; that he would reply; that on both sides it should be with the intention of doing as little hurt as possible; that I should pretend it was to force him to give me a passport, which he would send me in the evening; and that I should then send him the money I had promised.

You shall see, by the care we take of your grandfather and Ulla, that we do not forget what you have done this night. If Nipen will only forgive, for the sake of this " "We were just in the nick of time," observed Oddo. "It was better than if we had been earlier." "I do not know," said Erica. "Here are their brandy-bottles, and many things besides. I had rather not have had to bring these away."

"Good or bad?" inquired Ulla. "O, bad, very bad," declared Frolich, who yet looked as if she would rather have it than none. "Here is company. Olaf, the drug-merchant, is come. Father did not expect him these three weeks." "This is not bad news, but good," said Ulla. "Who knows but he may bring me a cure?"

Sickness, misfortune, and disappointment had been his companions for a year; but he still worked, still hoped, and waited for the happy hour when little Ulla should come to him across the sea.