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"The spinnin'-wheels she brung from No'th Carliny," enumerated Medora, "the loom an' the candle-moulds." "The cheers his dad made fur his mam whenst they begun housekeeping" said Jane Gilhooley's muffled voice. "The press an' the safe," Medora continued. "The pot an' the oven," chokingly responded the apron. "The churn an' the piggins!" "The skillet an' the trivet!"

I said I wanted butter and milk, intimating the richer the better; also I wanted a front-yard cow, if possible.... There was a gentle little Jersey lady that had eyes the children would see fairies in "Yes, she's a nice heifer," the man said, "but now I'm a friend of yours " "I appreciate that. Isn't she well?" "Yes, sound as a trivet." "A good yielder?" "All of that." "What's the matter?"

As for me, I was as right as a trivet now that I had come across such a splendid raft; and, climbing on top, and balancing myself so as not to let it lurch over, I proceeded to look for the ship which I had almost forgotten while striving to reach this nearer haven of refuge.

A sickening odor of burnt flesh began to spread through the silent chamber, and each assistant heard a slight crackling beneath the smoking trivet; it was the skin of Rodin giving way to the action of fire, and splitting open in four different parts of his chest. The sweat poured from his livid face, which it made to shine; a few locks of his gray hair stood up stiff and moist from his temples.

The Tailpiece-Cushion, or Close-breech of Discipline. The Cobbled Shoe of Humility. The Trivet of good Thoughts. The Kettle of Magnanimity. The Cavilling Entanglements of Confessors. The Snatchfare of the Curates. Reverendi patris fratris Lubini, provincialis Bavardiae, de gulpendis lardslicionibus libri tres.

There's a lot of lads would be game as game could be in battle aye, and good lads to boot, doing their duty right as a trivet when it came to anything like war that are clean drove out of the service in time o' peace, along with all them petty persecutions that worry a man's skin like mosquito-bites. Now here they know that, and Lord! what soldiers they do make through knowing of it!

"Ah, yes the horses!" said Barnabas thoughtfully. "How is your arm now, Dick?" "A bit stiff, but otherwise right as a trivet, Bev. But now about yourself, my dear fellow, what on earth possessed you to lay Carnaby such a bet? What a perfectly reckless fellow you are! Of course the money is as good as in Carnaby's pocket already, not to mention Chichester's damn him!

I'll catch a nap or two, and tomorrow I'll be as right as a as a what's that thing that's so awfully right?" "A trivet," said Mona. "Yes, a trivet. I've no idea what it is, but I'll be one!" There was a light supper set out in the dining-room at "Red Chimneys," but no one wanted any, so good-nights were said almost immediately and the wearied revellers sought their rooms.

The captain stepped from thwart to thwart as he spoke, and, getting right forward, he leaned over the bows and carefully examined as far as he could reach, before raising his face again and turning to Brace, who had followed him, to now meet his eyes with an enquiring look. "Right as a trivet," he said. "Took off some of the varnish; that's all that I can see.

Olivia, who was drawing the heavy curtain across the window, was relieved to hear this. In another quarter of an hour the little room wore a more cheerful aspect. The sticks crackled and blazed lustily; the green-shaded lamp diffused a mellow light. The tea-tray was set and the plate of French toast was frizzling gently on a brass trivet.