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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Prisoner, could we save thee from pain, even by the anguish of our own flesh and sinews, Heaven is our judge that we would willingly undergo the torture which, with grief and sorrow, we ordained to thee. Pause take breath collect thyself. Three minutes shalt thou have to consider what course to adopt ere we repeat the question. But then beware how thou triflest with our indulgence."

"Prisoner, could we save thee from pain, even by the anguish of our own flesh and sinews, Heaven is our judge that we would willingly undergo the torture which, with grief and sorrow, we ordained to thee. Pause take breath collect thyself. Three minutes shalt thou have to consider what course to adopt ere we repeat the question. But then beware how thou triflest with our indulgence."

"I am at your lordship's disposal." "Didst thou ever deal with Hugo, sometime lord of Malville. and afterwards of Aescendune?" "Once only." "On what occasion?" "He sought a medicine." "A medicine?" said Geoffrey, sternly; "thou triflest." "Nay! a poison, I would have said." "Of what specific nature?" "To produce the symptoms of decline the patient would sink and die."

"Thou art equivocating; 'twill be the worse for thee, that thou triflest with the Council who are these agents?" "He had a generous household, Eccellenza; many hardy gondoliers, and servitors of all conditions." "Of these we have nothing to learn. He hath escaped by other means or art thou sure he hath escaped at all?" "Signore, is he in Venice?" "Nay, that we ask of thee.

You will never take Rough Lee, still less its mistress, without my help." "What are thy terms, knave?" exclaimed the knight, pondering upon the offer. "And take heed thou triflest not with me, or I will have thee flogged within an inch of thy life, in spite of parson or justice. What are thy terms, I repeat?" "They are for your worship's ear alone," replied Blackadder.

They are men placed by birth above the weaknesses of mortals, and owing their account to none, they will be sure to do justice. This is reasonable, and who can doubt it!" As he ended, the Bravo laughed bitterly. "Nay, now thou triflest with me, Carlo; none are above the danger of doing wrong, but those whom the saints and kind Maria favor."

Now, Jacob, what does m-a-t spell?" "Chafing-mat," replied I. "It spells mat only, silly boy; the chafing will be on my part directly. Now, Jacob, what does d-o-g spell?" "Dog-kennel." "Dog, Jacob, without the kennel. Thou art very contumelious, and deservest to be rolled in the kennel. Now, Jacob, this is the last time that thou triflest with me; what does h-a-t spell?"

The first of thy offences was to consume more than thy portion of the cold meats; the second was to suffer Reuben Ring to kill the deer, and for thee to claim it; and a third was the trick thou hast of listening so much to thine own voice, that even the blasts fled thee, from dislike of thy noise." "Thou triflest unseasonably, Faith; I would speak with the Captain, without delay."

"What leader will they own, then?" demanded the abbot, scornfully. "The Earl of Derby," replied Demdike. "He is on his way thither with Lord Mounteagle from Preston." "Ha!" exclaimed Paslew, "let me go meet them, then. But thou triflest with me, fellow. Thou canst know nothing of this. Whence gott'st thou thine information?" "Heed it not," replied the other; "thou wilt find it correct.

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