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"Is it possible," replied Jacques, "that, with this fine house all to himself, he should take up with that old hut?" "Let us see," said Therese; "for he is certainly not here." When they readied Toussaint's cottage, it was no easy matter to know how to effect an entrance. Enormous gourds had spread their network over the ground, like traps for the feet of trespassers.

"They were trespassers, all right." "And I'll let 'em know it, too," said Will. "Oh, please don't quarrel!" begged Grace. Amy was fast recovering her composure, and she and her girl chums went on ahead, the boys coming more leisurely. Soon the girls were out of sight in a little valley.

May the light of those eyes never be withdrawn from these old walls, nor the lips lack a Spanish blade to guard them from all trespassers!" The Governor, who understood not the French words, lifted his glass in courteous imitation of his nephew's gesture; but Mr. Rivers coloured hotly and set down his upon the table. "I like not your toast, Señor Melinza, whichever way I construe it.

"No," said Soames grimly; "nor that Juno you've been looking at." Fleur dragged at his arm. "Oh! Let's go! It's a ghastly show." In the doorway they passed the young man called Mont and his partner. But Soames had hung out a board marked "Trespassers will be prosecuted," and he barely acknowledged the young fellow's salute. "Well," he said in the street, "whom did you meet at Imogen's?"

A large number of cases of trespass have been prosecuted in the courts of the United States; others have been settled, the trespassers offering to make payment to the Government for the value of the timber taken by them. The proceeds of these prosecutions and settlements turned into the Treasury far exceed in amount the sums appropriated by Congress for this purpose.

Even Mollie and Betty were not brave enough to stand their ground now, and they were preparing for a precipitate retreat when the sound of a shot was heard close at hand. The man uttered an exclamation of alarm, and the dog barked, ending in a howl. "Ha! More trespassers!" ejaculated the man. "Are they with you? Are they friends of yours?" he asked cunningly.

How eagerly he would jump from the gate! How lovingly he would.... The elegant figure of Webster interrupted his reverie. Sam had never seen Webster before, and it was with no pleasure that he saw him now. He had come to regard this lane as his own property, and he resented trespassers. He tucked his legs under him, and scowled at Webster under the brim of his hat.

A terrible frown and a shake of the official spear caused them to retire down the slope that led to the hut. This was the unaccountable "squall" that had first perplexed Leo and his comrade. But like tigers who have tasted blood, the Flatlanders could not now be restrained. "Go!" said the sentinel in a low stern voice to the retreating trespassers, whom he followed to the foot of the slope.

"Drink away, my son," said the Colonel, climbing into the saddle; "there'll be plenty for me for this night's work. Forward!" The troop took up the march again, through a splendid forest kept clear of dead wood by the peasants. It abounded with game. The shrill cry of the pheasants, the rustle of the partridges in the underbrush, the bark of the fox, all rose to the ears of the trespassers.

Colonel Mason added: "This is public land, and the gold is the property of the United States; all of you here are trespassers, but, as the Government is benefited by your getting out the gold, I do not intend to interfere."