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But sure would your Reverence come a little more this way; I think the men's listenin' to us but sure," continued Darby, in a low, wheedling, confidential, and friendly voice, "sure, sir, he wanted me to prosecute you for the religious instruction for trath it was nothing else, glory be to God that you gave me the day of the argument; an' -now listen, your Reverence he offered me a bribe if I'd do it."

"No, in trath! not as much as one letter have I this night!" he said slowly. At this the Woman began to laugh, in spite of the great annoyance that was on her. "Sure," she said, "if Mrs. Melia had a letter for us, wouldn't she have given it to you? What use would she have for it? And if she hadn't, and told you so, where's the sense in you feeling your pockets over and over?

"Trath, I suppose I am now, miss; but you see, my honerable young lady, that's our fwhailin' at home: the counthry's poor, an' we can't help it, whedor or not. We're fwhorced to it, miss, whin we come ower here, by you, an' the likes o' you, mavourneen!"

"Trath an' I must know you, thin, and that very soon," replied M'Carthy. "Come into the next room, then," said the other. "Anywhere you like," he replied, "I'm wit you; but I'm not the boy to be humbugged, or to bear your thricks upon thravellers." "Now," said the other, when they had got into the room where the corpse lay, "shake hands."

I was vexed at the intrusion; but prompted by some impulse of curiosity, I lay still and listened. Barney was speaking as they approached. "In trath, Misther Gowdey, an' it's meself 'ud go far this blissed night for a dhrap o' the crayter. I noticed the little kig afore; but divil resave me av I thought it was anythin' barrin' cowld water.

He stepped aside, revealing a viewscreen behind him; when he pressed a button, the screen lighted; on it was a stationary picture of Kostran Galth as Salgath Trod, his right hand raised in front of him. "Now watch this. I'm going to step up the magnification, slowly, so that you can be sure there's no substitution. Camera a little closer, Trath!"

"Vaya, Irlandes! What did you see?" inquired one of the Mexicans, appealing to Barney. I saw by this that it was the Irishman who had fired the shot. "A rid-skin, by japers!" replied the latter. "Warn't it yer own shadder ye sighted in the water?" cried a hunter, jeeringly. "Maybe it was the divil, Barney?" "In trath, frinds, I saw a somethin' that looked mighty like him, and I kilt it too."

"In trath, an' iv I had yez on the sod, at the owld Cove o' Cark beyant, I cud show yez as much av it as 'ud contint ye for yer lives. Arrah, now, keep aff me! Be the powers, ye're trampin' the toes aff me feet! Ach! don't rug me! Holy Mother! will yez let me alone? Divil resave ye for a set of "

With hands clasped demurely before her and her eyes fixed upon the floor, slowly the little maiden began to lisp forth the words while the rest listened in almost breathless silence. "Advent telth uth Christ ith near; Christmath telth uth Christ ith here; In Epithany we trath All the glory of Hith grath."