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"I I killed the hog to-day;" she spoke sharply, slowly, as to a dense child. Peter Greyson started. "You you did that?" "Yes. While you were off getting drunk, and while Nella-Rose was traipsing back there in the Hollow I killed the hog; but I'll never do it again. It sickened the soul of me. I'm as good as Nella-Rose just as good.

The place is mine and you're safe on it. Do you want to go traipsing round the woods in this snow" he fell purposely into the country habit of speech "and get wet to your knees and have a cold?" "I sha'n't have a cold," she said, smiling dimly at him and looking, as he realized, like a mother who was sorry her son could not have all he grasped at, but still remained immovable.

I don't see what you want to go traipsing down to that thing for, anyhow; it ain't going to get loose, though it'd be a good loss if it did." "It ain't likely she'll get away, that's sartin sure, but I thought I'd do a little work on her. I ain't had much time afore now, with all my cooking and keeping house. The minister said my engine wa'n't clean."

Six hundred acres in this parish, and five hundred in the next a constant traipsing from one farm to the other; he can't be in two places at once. Still, that might be got over if it were not for the other matters. Besides, dear, I still should be a little uneasy, even though I have your promise, lest somebody should snap you up away from me. 'Ah, you should have thought of that before.

'Tedious traipsing enough with this one, Nat. Sit ye down. Well, little Freddy, you don't wish in the morning that 'twere evening, and at evening that 'twere morning again, do you, Freddy, trust ye for it? 'Now, who might wish such a thing as that, Mrs Martin? nobody in this parish? asked Sammy Blore curiously. 'My lady is always wishing it, spoke up Miss Tabitha Lark. 'Oh, she!

But there it is. And never a word had I ever given him! And eight months after that my twins were born. And there I was with these little children! And not a word of explanation did I ever have. I heard of Harry five years later when Johnnie was nearly five but he was on the Continent and I couldn't go traipsing about with three babies.

Of course I have the shoes and stockings that go with it." "There!" exploded the judge. "Taking up with prize fighters traipsing round in a regular French dress, looking like something she's not supposed to be!" "Lysander!" rebuked his wife hotly. "He tells me lots about Wilbur," continued the letter. "He hints that the boy is in love, but will say nothing definite. Men are so close-mouthed.

"Maybe so, maybe so; but it set on you like the burr on a chestnut, somehow, and when it rolled off thar you were, as clean as ever. Well, you're an honest and spunky woman, and I can't help your traipsing over thar even if I wanted to. But thar's one thing I tell you now right flat if that young rascal wants to keep a whole skin he'd better stay off this place.

I thought you would have had a little fit. Come into the open air." And we went down the steps, and into Shepherd's Inn, where the setting sun was just shining on the statue of Shepherd; the laundresses were traipsing about; the porters were leaning against the railings; and the clerks were playing at marbles, to my inexpressible consolation.

She didn't care a rap about the lectures, and thought they were mad to go traipsing all the way to Hampstead to harangue about things they could have discussed just as well now, couldn't they? at home. Aggie, she said, would become completely undomesticated. Mrs. Purcell was never pressed to stay longer than a week.