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The wind had whistled for a time, but it turned out to be only a squall. The Consolidated Tractions Company had made the voyage for which she had been constructed, and thus had fulfilled her usefulness; and the cleverest of the rats who had mistaken her for a permanent home scurried ashore before she was broken up. All of which is merely in the nature of a commentary on Mr. Langmaid's genius.

Garvin stared at him, half in suspicion, half in amazement. "I guess you never knew of his ruining anybody, did you?" he demanded sullenly. "Well, I'll tell you all right, and you can go and tell him. He won't care much he's used to it by this time, and he gets square with God by his churches and charities. Did you ever hear of a stock called Consolidated Tractions?" Consolidated Tractions!

You couldn't have got me to believe that Eldon Parr would put his name to anything that wasn't straight. "Then Consolidated Tractions came along, with Parr's, name behind it. Everybody was talking about it, and how it was payin' eight per cent. from the start, and extra dividends and all, and what a marvel of finance it was.

"Federated Tractions! Are you certain?" "Unless our registry clerk has had a funny dream," says I. "The notice was listed yesterday. And you know how grouchy the old girl was on us." "H-m-m-m!" says he, drummin' his fingers nervous. "Thanks, Torchy. I must look into this." Seemed to worry Mr. Robert a bit; so maybe that's why I had my ears stretched wider'n usual.

I was moochin' around the bondroom when I happens to glance over the transfer book and notices that a big block of our debenture 6's are listed as goin' to the Federated Tractions. And the name of the party who's about to swap the 6's for Tractions preferred is a familiar one. It's Aunty's. Uh-huh Vee's!

"And now, with his Municipal League, he's going to clean up the city, is he? Put in a reform mayor. Show up what he calls the Consolidated Tractions Company scandal. Pooh!" "You got out all right, Varnum. You won't be locked up," said Mr. Plimpton, banteringly. "So did you," retorted Varnum. "So did Ferguson, so did Constable."

I should say it was! There was Mr. Bentley that was mild. And there never was a hold-up of a western express that could compare to the Consolidated Tractions. Some of these big fellows have the same kind of brain as the professional thieves. Well, they are professional thieves what's the use of mincing matters! They never try the same game twice. Mr.

But I have taken the trouble to find out, from unquestioned sources, the truth about the Consolidated Tractions Company I shall not go into the details at length they are doubtless familiar to you. I know that the legal genius of Mr. Langmaid, one of my vestry, made possible the organization of the company, and thereby evaded the plain spirit of the law of the state.

I should have it an important part of the duties of this board to discover for themselves other claimants who may not, for various reasons, come forward. In the case of the Consolidated Tractions, for instances there are doubtless many men like Garvin who invested their savings largely on the strength of your name.

"Aunty was mighty suspicious first off," says I; "but after she'd used the long distance and got a line on how Tractions was waverin', she warms up quite a lot, for her. Uh-huh! Gives me a vote of thanks, and says she'll call off the deal." "Torchy," says Mr. Robert, "I am speechless with admiration. Your business methods are certainly advanced.