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Updated: August 23, 2024

It rises! its wings interweave With the flames how they howl and heave! Toss'd, whirl'd to and fro, How the flame-serpents glow! Rushing higher and higher, On on, fearful Fire! Thy giant limbs twined With the arms of the Wind! Lo! the elements meet on the throne Of death to reclaim their own! Swing, swing the censer round Tune the strings to a softer sound!

And now, with sails declined, The wandering vessel drove before the wind; Toss'd and retoss'd aloft, and then alow; Nor port they seek, nor certain course they know, But every moment wait the coming blow.

Arm'd millions, bristling weapons, helmed men Dreadfully plum'd and eager for the fray, Steel crested myrmidons, toss'd spears, wild steeds, Uplifted flags and pennons, horrid swords, Death gleaming eyes, stern hands to grasp and tear Life from beseeching life, till all the heavens Strike havoc to the terror-trembling stars"...

If you have more of this farced Meat than you use in making good the Fowls, either make it into Balls and fry them, or else make a Batter of Eggs, Milk, and Wheat-Flower, and dip small parcels of the Farce into it to fry for garnishing. You may make a Sauce to these farced Fowls with stew'd Mushrooms toss'd up with Cream; the same may be done with Turkeys, Pheasants, &c.

‘The noble courser broke away. And bounded o'er the plain? The desert echoed to his tread, As high he toss'd his graceful head, And shook his flowing name. King of the Western deserts! Thou Art still untam'd and free! Ne'er shall that crest he forced to bow Beneath the yoke of drudgery low: But still in freedom shalt thou roam The boundless fields that form thy home Thy native Prairie! ANON.

They push'd the mailèd wood aside, They toss'd the forest like a toy, That grand forgotten race of men The boldest band that yet has been Together since the Siege of Troy. Some carried packs on their backs, with pick and shovel, drill and pan. Others rode, leading their burden-bearing burros or mules. Wagon after wagon creaked along, laden to the full with supplies, food, or machinery.

"And yet, perhaps you may as well," added he, communing a moment with himself: "you may tell him his brother Frank, Wild Frank, it is, who wishes him to come." The old man departed on his errand, and he who call'd himself Wild Frank, toss'd his nearly smoked cigar out of the window, and folded his arms in thought.

I toss'd and turn'd it almost all night long in my brains to no manner of purpose; and when I awoke in the morning, I found my spirits as much troubled with my dreams, as ever the King of Babylon had been with his; and I will not hesitate to affirm, it would have puzzled all the wise men of Paris as much as those of Chaldea to have given its interpretation.

Collyflowers, if they are in season, will do well; but they must all be toss'd up with Cream and Butter, except the Hertfordshire Turnips, which should, after they are boiled, be dry'd in a Cloth, and well flour'd; then fry them in hot Lard, or hot Butter, drain them well, and serve them with the same Sauce.

He toss'd every one like a ball; made no starch'd speeches, but downright, as he were, doing himself what he would persuade others: But in the market his noise was like a trumpet, without sweating or spueing. I fancy he had somewhat, I know not what, of the Asian humour: then so ready to return a salute, and call every one by his name, as if he had been one of us.

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