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On the last two occasions they had been unfortunately prevented, which had been a great blow to Brown's "pa and ma" but a relief to Brown himself. And now the prospect of meeting these awful dignitaries face to face in his own house put him in a small panic. But on the other hand, he knew there would be jellies, and savoury pie, and strawberries, and tipsy-cake, at home that night.

She would hardly understand what she's giving I mean, what she's going in for. What did she say?" "Well, really, Mr. Medland, I think you might speak a word to her. She told me she loved champagne and tipsy-cake. The tipsy-cake doesn't matter, because it can be made without alcohol. I beg your pardon?" "I didn't speak," said the Premier. "But champagne! At her age!"

It was three o'clock in the morning when the guests danced Sir Roger de Coverley at Mrs. William Day's New Year's party. They would as soon have thought of having supper without trifle, tipsy-cake, and syllabub, in those days, as of finishing the evening without Sir Roger. Dancing had begun at seven-thirty. The lady at the piano was drooping with weariness.

The door was wide open and the place was in darkness, and no one took any notice when presently Tom sauntered out of the ballroom, picked up a large plateful of tipsy-cake, and, being kind to animals, gave a piece to William, who followed him into the laundry for the rest; then Hayes came in with a quart bottle of champagne, shut the door and struck a light.

Near by was a little church with a wonderful carved screen and a picture of Elijah going to heaven in a chariot drawn by a pink horse, with the charioteer bumping along on a separate cloud, which served as the box. We watched the sun set from one of the tipsy-cake hills, sitting on a gravestone with an old Turkish shepherd, who seemed to derive great comfort from our company.

"It's all because of the tipsy-cake," said Bessie. "The what?" asked Thaddeus, sitting up and gazing at his wife as if he questioned her sanity. "The tipsy-cake," she repeated. "I gave Ellen the bottle of brandy you gave me for the tipsy-cake, and and she drank half of it." "And the other half?" "Mary drank that.

'I meant nothing wrong here? Merton said, laying his finger on his brow. 'No, not so bad as that, said Mrs. Nicholson; 'but just queer. Uncommon. Tells odd stories about nonsense. She is wearing with her dreams. She reads books on, I don't know how to call it Tipsy-cake, Tipsicakical Search. Histories, I call it. 'Yes, I understand, said Merton; 'Psychical Research.

"That was right, too," said Thaddeus; "but those fellows will never let me hear the end of that infernal Grimmins story. I almost wish we " "You wish what, Teddy dear?" "I almost wish we had not attempted the tipsy-cake, and had stuck to my original suggestion," said Thaddeus. "What was that?" Bessie asked.

"Is it the tipsy-cake, then?" said Maggie, exerting her hypothetic powers, while she leaned forward toward Tom with her eyes fixed on the hovering knife. "No, you silly, that'll be good the day after. It's the pudden. I know what the pudden's to be, apricot roll-up O my buttons!"

The country about Uskub is a great cemetery, and on every hand rise little rounded hills bristling with gravestones like almonds in a tipsy-cake. Strange old streets there are in Uskub.