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She's fair," he waxed enthusiastic here, "surpassingly fair, with wavy golden tresses and blue eyes, and a bright complexion and a winning voice, and a sylph-like figure and a thinnish but remarkably pretty face " "Ah!" interrupted Baldwin, with a sigh, "I know: just like my missus."

"They told us below, we should find settlers something thinnish, hereaway, and I must say, the report was mainly true; for, unless, we count the Canada traders on the big river, you ar' the first white face I have met, in a good five hundred miles; that is calculating according to your own reckoning."

Well in advance of the survivors the Viscount is going strong, with Slingsby and the Marquis knee and knee behind; next rides Carnaby with two others, while Tressider, the thinnish, youngish gentleman, brings up the rear. Inch by inch Barnabas gains upon him, draws level and is past, and so "The Terror" once more sees before him Sir Mortimer's galloping gray.

As for the defeat of the Gods by the Milesians, and their retirement into the mountains, that too is actual history told under a thinnish veil of symbolism: the Fifth Race having been started, the Sons of Wisdom, its first Gods and Adept Kings, who had sown the seeds of all bright things that were to be in its future civilizations, withdrew into the Unseen.

A short, thinnish man, very pale and handsome, with feminine hips and knock-kneed legs, with fine brilliant eyes and long hair lying on the collar of his coat, was standing at the end of the room gazing at the portraits on the wall. After greeting the lady of the house and Alexey Alexandrovitch, Stepan Arkadyevitch could not resist glancing once more at the unknown man.

At least I have no reason to think otherwise. Rather thinnish if anything, but filled out wonderfully since I first saw 'em." "That's good," said Ruth, laughing. "And now, do you know why I asked you to go and lodge with them?"

After all, as he entered the house and, guided by the voice of its owner, found his way to the room looking on the dusty country road, he saw nothing very terrible, only a thinnish, fair, middle-aged man, wearing a black skull-cap and clad in a faded and greasy but rather handsome theatrical-looking dressing-gown and seated in a worn arm-chair.

Personally, I should like it over as soon as possible, and anywhere would do, though Eltham for preference, Beverley. So if you will oblige me " But here, once again the Gentleman-in-Powder knocked to announce: "Mr. Tressider." The thinnish, youngish gentleman in sandy whiskers entered with a rush, but, seeing the Marquis, paused.

Her hair was colour of raw silk, eyebrows set rather high, face a thinnish oval, complexion like a pink rose's, neck thinnish again, feet, hands, long and nervous, 'good working members, etc. etc. None of this helps very much; too detailed. There was an air of mingled surprise and defiance about her; she was a silent girl.

"I hear you seen something of a thinnish, dark feller named Bard." "What d'you want with him?" asked Sally with dangerous calm. "I was aimin' to meet up with him. That's all." "Partner, if you want to stand in solid around here, don't let out that you're a friend of his. He ain't none too popular; that's straight and puttin' it nice and easy."