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I declared them to be useless, foolhardy, and, if the climber had any one who loved him, wicked. "Even if the weather should permit a view," I said, "what is that compared to the terrible risk to life? The Alpine Club man looked at me, especially regarding my somewhat slight figure and thinnish legs.

'What do you think of him? said Sinfi to me, as he passed on and we two sat down on the grass by the side of the stream. 'I am puzzled, I replied, 'to know whether he is a young man who looks like a middle-aged one, or a middle-aged man who looks like a young one. How's his hair under the hat? 'Thinnish atop, said Sinfi laconically.

One hand leaned on a gold-headed cane, the other lay on his shirt front. His dark, thinnish face was full of insolent haughtiness. The fine long eyebrows almost grew together over the pitch-black eyes, about the thin, scarcely discernible lips played an evil smile. 'Why do you keep staring at those faces? Piotr Fedoritch asked me. 'Oh, I don't know! I answered, looking at him.

Had an impression he paid for his dinner with the last of the notes in his pocket but that might mean nothing. "A pleasant gentleman, spoke crisply and had a smile." John, of the cloakroom, recalled a half crown thrown on his little counter in return for a soft hat "Wait a bit, sir, by a Manchester hatter I believe," and a rainproof coat "rather thinnish and brown."

His nose was high, sharp, and crooked, like the back of a reapin' hook, and gave a plaguy sight of character to his face, while his thinnish lips, that closed on a straight line, curlin' up at one eend, and down at the other, shewed, if his dander was raised, he could be a jumpin', tarin', rampagenous devil if he chose.

"No more questions now before dinner," said Clara; and she took my hand as an affectionate child would, and led me out of the room and down stairs into the forecourt of the Museum, leaving the two Hammonds to follow as they pleased. We went into the market-place which I had been in before, a thinnish stream of elegantly dressed people going in along with us.

In the drawing-room, in the sofa in the centre of the room, was sitting an old lady of medium height, in a cinnamon- coloured dress and a white cap, with a thinnish, kind old face, and a timid, mournful expression. 'Here, mother, let me introduce to you our neighbour....

Cork, seal and keep in a cool place. This is especially valuable for use in mincemeat, or for flavoring sauces for nursery puddings. A variant is to add sugar towards the last, enough to make a thinnish syrup, which is of itself a good sauce for simple desserts.

"And a bit thinnish, Natty Bell," replied John, "but Lord! a few days and we'll have him as right as as ever, yes, quite right, and there y' are, Natty Bell!" "P'r'aps you might be wishful to tell him, John, as you've had the old 'Hound' brightened up a bit?"

"Boys," I said, "I truly believe that it is." The envelope was a square, thinnish one, addressed in very small, black handwriting. "It must be from The Bottle," Jerry said; "otherwise they wouldn't have thought you were a boy and put Christopher." I had been thinking just the same thing while I was trying to open the envelope.