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"I'd rather it was a nice roadside hotel, or tearoom. That would be something like." "Come on! we'll take in the hamper, and make tea on the deserted hearthstone," said Ruth. "Tom can stay out here and repair his old auto." "Tom will find a shelter for the machine first, I reckon. There! hear the thunder? We are going to get it, and I must raise the hood of the tonneau, too," proclaimed the lad.

I wish I could live in New York, I just love it!" "I like it," said Dolly, "but I don't want to live here. I'd LIKE to come here oftener than I do, though." At the tearoom they found Janet Knapp and Corinne Bell, two girls whom they had come to know very pleasantly. "Sit here with us," called out Janet, as they entered. "We haven't ordered yet, what do you girls want?"

"But I couldn't do that on the sly, anyway. I mean if I had him HERE. I wish I could meet him somewhere else, at some tearoom, or somewhere." "Oh, Alicia, I think you're horrid! Nice girls don't do things like that!" Dolly's big blue eyes expressed such amazement that Alicia laughed outright. "You little innocent!" she cried. "I'd rather be innocent than ill-bred," Dolly flashed back.

He smiled a kind of conscious, benignant smile, which adorned his high cheek-bones and hard features as sunshine adorns the side of a rock, and said, kindly, "Ah, well, child, I understand now; I'll be out in a moment." And Mary, sure that he was now on the right track, went back to the tearoom with the announcement that the Doctor was coming.

It is a lovely day, and the ride will do you good and make you feel a heap better. Then on your return, stop at a pretty tearoom, and have some cakes and chocolate, or ices; and while you're gone, I'll have a little talk with Mr. Forbes, and, who knows, maybe we might find the earring!" "You're going to search our boxes!" cried Alicia. "Well, I won't submit to such an insult!

They left for the tearoom, while Helene still laughed to herself over certain subtle possibilities which she saw in the situation. Rather early, again, for the usual throng, they were able to choose their position to their liking: to-day, it was in the center of the big room, close by the space cleared for the dancing.

Dolly tried to speak lightly, but the words nearly choked her. "I dunno. Maybe you'll know about it to-morrow." "Oh, Alicia " Dolly meant to speak a word of warning or of pleading, indeed she didn't quite know what she WAS going to say, but just then, Dotty and Bernice came down stairs, and proposed they all go for a motor ride, and a last visit to the pretty tearoom.

Princes and counts, lawyers and doctors, actors and actresses, mondaines of the great world, demi-mondaines of the half world, waiters and porters, all are made use of as occasion arises. It may well happen that your interesting acquaintance in the salon of an express steamer or your charming companion in the tearoom of the Ritz is the paid agent of some government.

If you have any sense, you'll quit and go live with Irene." "And you, Gerald?" asks Evelyn. "I'm off," says he. "I'm going to do some real work, man's work. You saw that dark-looking chap who was in here a few days ago? That was Bentley, who used to be bank messenger in old Gordon's office. He was discharged without cause too. But he had no five sisters to make a sappy tearoom manager out of him.

The big hotels were far too costly but there were several pretty lunchrooms, "The Bird of Paradise," "The London Tearoom," and, most popular of all, "The Ladies Exchange." The girls always divided a twenty-five-cent entree between them, and each selected a ten-cent dessert, leaving a tip for the waitress out of their stipulated half-dollar.