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I won't tamper with her son's money, but I'll give her my own to throw into his well. Confound him! why did she ever marry him?" When the business was virtually settled, he came back to the house in great haste. Meantime Mr. James Little went up to his dressing-room, as usual, to dress for dinner; but he remained there so long that, at last, Mrs. Little sent her maid to tell him dinner was ready.

"Quick, now, Bat!" he roared loudly. "You slip these irons on him, an' I'll catch up the horses. Don't take no chances!" He tossed the half-breed a pair of hand-cuffs, and started after his own horse. "Kill him if he makes a crooked move. Tell him you're actin' under my authority an' let him understand we're hard men to tamper with us sheriffs. We don't stand fer no foolin'."

Not a soul budged; some refugees made an attempt to tamper with certain officers of their acquaintance; their messenger was hanged in the middle of Marshal Berwick's camp. Fontarabia, St.

"Alexander," said momma suspiciously, "you never hesitate to tamper with the truth if you think it will make me any more comfortable. I don't believe you." "All right," returned the Senator; "when we get home you ask Bramley. It was Bramley that put me on to it.

Chief among the graver secret emotions which she had roused in him was the momentary annoyance of not knowing how to deal with this chicken-hearted little girl before him, scared, but on fire from head to foot. Kitty was quite confident. If it had been Maria Muller who had thus set herself to tamper with a man's life, she would have done it trembling, with fear and self-distrust.

A handsome woman, this madame, a woman of about two-and-thirty, with the tar-black eyes and the twilight coloured tresses of Northern Russia; bold as brass, flippant as a French cocotte, steel-nerved and calm-blooded as a professional gambler. "Your hirelings will tamper with his birds and his effects in the night I know that, Monsieur le Comte," she had said when she demanded this.

He straightened out his lines before the charge. "Thank heaven!" ejaculated Antoine Lecorbeau, "they have saved the dike!" In Acadian eyes to tamper with the dikes was sacrilege. "Well!" said the sergeant, with a somewhat cynical chuckle, "at least the English have got their feet wet!" Pierre broke off his laugh in the middle, for at this moment the red lines charged.

It would be a poor service to spread culture, if this be its result, among the comparatively innocent and cheerful ranks of men. When our little poets have to be sent to look at the ploughman and learn wisdom, we must be careful how we tamper with our ploughmen.

"No," said Harry, sternly; "wouldst tamper with my child's heart, when her trusting in thee would place my life in thy power? Say no more I won't hear thee," he continued, again raising the pistol in his hand.

He also ordered that the bribe should be confiscated and despatched to Babylon under seal, a wise provision which must have tended to discourage those who were inclined to tamper with the course of justice, while at the same time it enriched the state. It is probable that the king tried all cases of appeal in person when it was possible to do so.